Words. Wisdom. Winners.
What’s your story?
The markets are bad
The product isn’t there as yet
The systems failed
The team size was small
The long weekend impacted sales
The traffic was bad
The hours are long and I don’t have time
The money isn’t enough
The excuses I have for not delivering on my promise are unlimited
The helpless story equates excuses to output
Unfortunately, it isn’t
Instead, try the ownership story
I will make time
I will find a workaround
I will solve this
I will get it done
And if I don’t, I will not shield behind an excuse.
The hiring pitch
Pitch 1:
We have an awesome culture
We have the smartest people
We have free lunch
We have low attrition
We have great compensation figures
We have an open door policy
We are awesome!
Pitch 2:
Here is what we have done
Here is what we want to do
Here is why it’s not a trivial problem to solve
Here is why we need the smartest people to work on this
Here is why we think you are perfect for the role
Here is what you will get to do
Here is the team you will get to work with
Here is why you will make us awesome!
Pitch 2: 1
Pitch 1: 0
Output vs Outcome
Output: Here is what I was supposed to do and I have done it
Outcome: Here is what my output was supposed to achieve. And I have achieved it.
Own the outcome. Not the output.
Don’t convert yourself into a checklist.
Wild card entry
I have been extremely lucky in life to be part of tribes that I wasn’t deserving of, in the first place.
ISB – got through with less than 2 years of experience.
Kearney – got through despite not being a top ranker.
Entrepreneur – became one completely by accident
Rocket – got through after a 15 min meeting
Groupon – was asked to lead with no such prior experience or exposure
Fortune – can count 100 more people who could be part of the list instead of me
I am the wild card entry in all these. The guy on the fence. The not so obvious choice.
Here is the deal with wild card entries
No one expects you to win.
No one knows about you either.
No one expects you to contribute.
And the only direction you can go is up!
The only thing you can do is to observe the obvious entrants and learn
And perhaps someday you won’t be wild card anymore
I am a nightmare dressed like a day dream
Reading people is an art
Reading them right is a blessing
Misrreading people is lack of practice
Misreading people to suit your bias is a habit
The key to read them is not to classify them as adjectives. Rather to figure their probable reactions to situations.
Everyone has a good side and a dark side. Capable of loving and hurting. Capable of being loyal and back-stabbing. Capable of being thoughtful and selfish.
Question is: when do they behave which way?
We are all we need
Being comfortable with just yourself is a blessing.
The first 1.5 days of Beijing – I communicated with the world only through my lens and pictures on my phone. Didn’t speak a word. Simply walked the streets in the bitter yet sunny cold. Capturing faces, structures and culture. Occassionally singing to myself. Not missing where I came from because I know I could always go back to it when I wanted. While this new world will only last for 3 days.
It would be amazing if we started each day as if it were in a new city. You don’t know anyone or anything. And you only have yourself. Would you live it differently?
Scaling up
Fascinating conversation with an industry colleague, this morning.
Key take away
Companies don’t need to scale up in numbers, to scale up
They need to scale up in mindset!
What heals
Time heals
Love heals
Money heals
Music heals
Travel heals
Meditation heals
There is nothing that can be bigger than your will to heal.
Everyday when you wake up, it will the first thing you think about. Until one day it will be the second.
Teach me something
A fascinating interview question, especially for product managers, is
Assume you are a teacher. Teach me something I dont know of
In one stroke this exhibits several important traits of a successful product manager
Ability to structure thoughts
Communicate clearly
Ask for feedback
In the past 2 days alone I have learnt
Why acute mountain sickness happens
How to make kulfi faluda
How do you control directions when paragliding
Why do cars need gears
2 interviews a day
25 days a month
That’s 600 new concepts in a year!
I love what I do!
Note to self
What you eat in private
You wear in public
And I am not talking just food…
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