
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

Discover Music: Google India Music

Google launched its Music Search feature in India today.

Such an elegant blend of collaboration, technology and customer delight! And at the same time, again disruptive in nature. Direct traffic loss for the music streaming sites, google acquires higher power through search and their argument – hey, we are only increasing discoverability!

Double-edged! But neat!

CWG Delhi 2010 – Strangely Feeling Sad At Its End

I love the month of October. It has a festive feel to itself, with the weather changing, the discounts increasing, Dusshera and Durga Puja celebrations. This year however, Delhi wore a festive look early on itself with the CWG. I still recall how scared I was for India, during the runup to the games and whatever was being splashed in the media. While at one hand, its easy to dismiss India’s objective to hold these events in the first place (and honestly, I dont quite disgaree with Mani’s point of view on the games), its something that we had brought upon ourselves. And we had no choice but to deliver.

It was the night of October 01 that I finally felt that we would do it! I recall the drive through Lutyens Delhi and it was a feeling I had last experienced while walking on the India Gate Grass on Aug 15th, 1997 (India’s 50th Independence Year). The city was dressed like a bride, prim proper, shining infrastructure!

And it does seem we have done it. The games ended, I managed to catch 2 days of action (pics below) and feel sad that the festivity is over. I loved the crowds we bumped into at the stadium, the metro ride to the venues, the thrill of watching India win and pride when the Anthem was played.

Unfortunately (and I hope not), we all will forget that the games were not the best prepared for, just because they happened to be fantastically managed through the days. But such is India. Public memory is short and the same media which was blasting its own country cannot help praising it today.

I will admit. Even while I respect Mani’s views, a part of me wants to witness the Olympics in my lifetime, in India.

Proud to be a delhilite. Proud to be an Indian

Success Is My Only MotherF**king Option…Failure Is Not

Look… If you had… one shot… or one opportunity…
To seize everything you ever wanted… one moment…
Would you capture it? Or just let it slip?

It was in the summer of 2003 that I first heard Eminem’s “Lose Yourself”. Amongst multiple things that I loved about the song (including the fact that one of best looking girl in my Michigan State Class used to ‘humm’ this all day long), this line stuck to me ever since.

Success Is My Only MotherF**king Option…Failure Is Not

I write this today because one, I havent written a blog entry for a long time (!!!) and two, because this line was the last thought in my head when I went to sleep last night. Things reached a psychological conclusion last night and today reemphasized to me multiple things that I had started to consider as trivial, but werent!

There is a lot that I have set myself up for, in terms of targets and what have you. And I know that failure is not an option. It never was, it never will be.

Cheers to life ahead and a new beginning!

Leh-Ladakh In Pics

The place is AWESOME – prettier than anything else I have seen before. And nothing can do justice to the destination that is Leh-Ladakh

My contribution…more as a tribute than a showcase of my photography!

Sourabh Usha Narang R.I.P

Interestingly, in an interview to a website in 2002, he was asked, “Where do you see yourself 10 years down the line?” Narang had replied, “Given the amount I smoke, I should be dead.”

If the smoke didnt take him down, something else did. Sourabh passed away on June 26th, after battling stomach cancer for more than 7 months, ever since it was discovered (on Nov 17th, ironically his birthday). An award winning film-maker, his entire life lay infront of him, which is what makes this loss even more tragic. He not only leaves behind memories of being the perfect son, husband, brother and professional but a lot of things undone that were waiting to be touched by him.

I find death as a rather (for lack of better words) fascinating…something. While most people leave this earth in a normal manner, some of them leave me baffled. Sourabh and his entire family travelled to Sri Lanka, in search for an alternate treatment to his cancer, when all other standard allopathic means had failed. He was already quite weak, maybe even knew that the end was near, and yet the journey was undertaken. Only to be his last. He died not in the country where he belonged, but miles away. As if he went there only for that! As if some previous birth unfinished business had to be taken care of!

Plus the interview above. I am sure he was fibbing about it, but was he really? Did he really know. Or even if he didnt, did someone else within him know? And make him speak?

When you lose people who had so much of talent and potential and who were one of the best humans you have met, it hurts a lot. A lot.

But he is gone…and now it remains for his family to muster the courage to live on. Time is a healer but it doesnt always heal fast. The time till then will not be easy!

Even though you couldnt fight the cancer, Bhaiya, I know you wanted to, till the last minute! You are a winner!

The Last Ten Percent

The last ten percent is the signal we look for, the way we communicate care and expertise and professionalism. If all you’re doing is the standard amount, all you’re going to get is the standard compensation. The hard part is the last ten percent, sure, or even the last one percent, but it’s the hard part because everyone is busy doing the easy part already.

The secret is to seek out the work that most people believe isn’t worth the effort. That’s what you get paid for.

Fantastic post by the ever fantastic Seth

That Is Why I Succeed

I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.
I’ve lost almost 300 games.
Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.
And that is why I succeed.

– Michael Jordan

IIMA Has How Many Engineers In The New Class of 2009-11???

94%…yes you heard it right…94%…! Thats just 6% lower than a situation wherein a stressed-out parent enters the campus, approaches the reception and asks, “Madam (or sir…I dont mean to be sexist here!), I want to enroll my son for the engineering course.”

Figure this:

Out of 391 students in the IIMA Class of 2009-11:

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Apple’s Next iPhone: Unveiled

Update: Received a news tip from Simon that inspite of the crazy PVs that the Gizmodo article got, not to mention some 30,000 retweets, they ended up making little or no money at all from the leaked iPhone post! Funny ways of the Internet…FREE is the next paid!

Original Post

Dont know if this is true or not, but if it is…I am a happy man! It looks quite awesome!

Apple’s Next iPhone: Unveiled

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