
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

Travel Blog: Ranthambore

Destination: Ranthambore

When: Dec 25th – Dec 27th, 2009

Who: 6 of us (3 couples)

Stayed: Raj Palace Hotel, Ranthambore Sawai Madhopur. Paid Rs 2,100 per night including breakfast. Average hotel. Rooms are quite small, not well-lit or airy! Service is slow. Would not recommend. Read my TripAdvisor Review here

Transport: Went by train from Delhi (500 per person, Tier III AC). Came back by car (Innova – 9,000 one way including all taxes and toll. Rs 8.5/km, took 10 hrs)

Food: For local food, do visit Dholi Maru on the main National Park Road. Else you get everything since its a place frequented by foreign nationals


1. Ranthambore National Park: Famous for around 40 odd tigers (none of which we were able to see, but that seems to be odd!). Entry is twice a day for around 3.5 hrs each. Reservations for canters and cab is done on current booking basis. Costs around 350 per person on a canter (which seats 15-20 people) and around 600 per person for taxi (which seats 6 people). The park itself is not dense…gives an arid rajasthan feel. But great for shooting animals and birds!

2. Ranthambore Fort: Consider walking from the hotel to the fort, a distance of around 14 kms! We did that and experienced lovely Rajasthan life on the way. The fort by itself is ok…has some funny history to it…as explained by the guide…and then there is this Hanuman temple as well. If in winters, do spend some nice time on top of the Badal Mahal overlooking the entire Ranthambore National Park


Aamir vs. Shahrukh

Dont know if this is true…but even if it is…I wont be surprised

“Shahrukh Khan charged a whopping Rs.30 lakh for releasing a book written by management guru Arindam Chaudhari, earlier this month in Delhi. But when an upcoming writer approached Aamir for his book launch, Aamir agreed on one condition to do it and that is if he liked the book.”

Yet to see 3 Idiots, but people tell me that it will reinforce what Aamir is all about!

Avatar: The Movie Review

If you are reading this review to figure out whether you should go for the movie or not, you are wasting your time. I would suggest you go!

If you have already seen the movie, you know you are wasting your time!

Avatar is a not so great movie, made fantastically. I honestly went in expecting something like the Titanic, a decent story done well with special effects. Avatar is one-third the story and 2000 times the special effects!

Jake Sully is an Ex-Marine and even though paralyzed waist down is recruited for a critical mission because his DNA matches his twin (dead) brother’s! Mission is to enter the world of Pandora (not to be confused with the box’s owner!) through a mixed breed (of the local community and humans) called Avatar, mingle with the local community and eventually persuade them to move from their current habitat. Because beneath that lies the most abundant resource of an element unobtanium (who thought of that name!!) which is the only way to save Earth.

And as expected…(and ala SRK) Jake’s Avatar merges a lot more than needed, with the local community, falls in love with the chief’s daughter (are they usually the one chicks around…why not the sweeper’s daughter…or the chef’s…why always the chief!!)…and eventually comes on their side. The climax is a battle between the humans and the locals, in which not surprising the locals win simply because animals matched with bows and arrows can anyday fight stun guns and AK47s!

However, what lies in between the story, is this entire, almost independent story of how Neytiri (the chief’s daughter) shows Jake ‘their’ ways…! Thats what James Cameroon has used to showcase the beauty of special effects. Pandora has been created in a  breath-taking manner, the relationship of the locals with nature has been expressed sensitively…

Its not a bad movie at all…cmon…we are from the land of “Om Shanti Om” and “Rab Ne Bana Di something something”…

My opinion is…that dude has spent 2,000 crores in making this jazz….you can surely spend 200 bucks…!

And hey…do watch it on a big 3d screen…

Rating: 2.5/5

The Future of Video Making

move beyond image panorama….video panorama is here..!!

Yellowbird has created a technology that captures video in a 360 degree format. Its awesome..because this is the closest one can get to being there and yet not being there…

Watch the video to experience what they have made.

The future excites me like anything…!

Haagen Dazs in India Bans Indians?

In a remarkable marketing strategy (I think this is marketing…they cant be that stupid to be serious!) employed by Haagen Dazs in India…I saw the biggest WTF banner on Saturday at the Select City Walk, Saket. Unfortunatly my phone battery has gone down and I couldnt capture it, but am glad someone did…!

Haagen Dazs Bans Indians

1. Some agency is definitely getting fired

2. They really did take the marketing seriously and asked Indians to go away! Now THAT is crazy!

Ofcourse, as with everything in India…this too is a big media thing now…

(Photo Credit: Rajesh Kalra)

Creativity Does Win…(handsomely here!)

Pretty Interesting…! But then…will only work once…you cant create businesses out of it…!

I have realized, that customers are (much) smarter than you think they are…(or you would want them to be!)! And that creates an impact…a big one…on businesses…especially the ones in the repeat business segment (almost everyone).

These guys can clearly not do a business of buying bicycles cheap and selling them for a profit creatively! Once…it works…twice rarely will. 

So value has to be created and it mostly always has to be either tangible or quantifiable. Cost and convenience are the biggest value creators…hands down. And the hardest to create…!

Dont Drink and Drive

One of the most awesome and heart wrenching videos I have seen in a long long while.

TAC (Transport Accident Commission) started a campaign 20 years back targetted at Victoria (Australia) residents to shock them on the dangers on drinking and driving!

The video is a fantastic montage of the commercials they have ran in the past 20 years, against the backdrop of one of my fav songs! A MUST SEE

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