The world has a very convenient definition of cheating, based on a highly misplaced sense of morality. 

If you are physically or emotionally involved with a person outside of your current relationship – that’s cheating. 

Strangely enough, the necessary condition is not the physical or emotional attachment, rather the existence of another person in the equation. 

What if it isn’t a person? 

I have told this to Ruchi several times. I am cheating on her with my work. 

I am in love with my work. 

I dream of work.

Every waking second, I think of it. 

Every second I can gather my basic instinct is to go back to my work. 

Work that doesn’t just comprise managing and shaping nearbuy’s present and future. It also includes meeting people, reading about them, introspecting on my own inadequacy and more. 

And all of this is no different to me from cheating on her. 

But here is something I have realized. 

If I am away from work, I will not be happy. And anything else I will do, will have me participate as a reluctant participant. 

I am equally certain that someday I will be cheating on my work. And that too will make me happy. 

Don’t compromise on the things that make you happy 

Don’t let it affect you if what makes you happy is work