Words. Wisdom. Winners.
What’s the deal with money?
We grew up without money. Ma and Papa worked all their life and couldn’t make enough to save. Yet they gave us the best life they could. We went to top schools. Had a fulfilling childhood.
But I grew up looking at my parents having a life of struggle. Of unfulfilled desires.
A life where they had to trade one desire for another.
And almost always they traded their own for ours.
So I grew up hating money. It seemed to be the source of our misery. The only thing missing.
Here is the deal about hating money.
Rarely do we realize when it converts into submission. When money makes us it’s slave.
We think we are winning against it.
When it’s quite the opposite.
I learnt early on, not to respect money
Instead dismiss it, respectfully
It’s like oxygen. You need it. But you rarely stop to feel it’s presence.
You just have it.
Or you don’t
Opportunity cost doesn’t apply to your actions
Opportunity cost is a concept meant for business. Not for human actions.
For human actions we always best the full cost. Not the incremental one.
It’s not just one more abuse
Or one more one night stand
One more act of bribery
One more act of fraud
One more act of cheating
It’s all of them put together. Because the most recent one is as grave as the first one.
Your reputation today is a reflection of what you did this morning!
Yesterday doesn’t matter
Hans Zimmer
Do you know of him?
I didn’t till about 6 months back.
And then I realized
I have known him for a long time. For a really long time.
Because he has composed music for almost all the movies I have ever loved.
At times, you don’t have to be visible to create an impact.
Almost always, the impact thus created, is more ever lasting!
Ahead of the race
When driving, you have two ways of staying ahead
By blocking the road for the one behind
Which is when you change lanes often, you change speeds often, you brake often, you shift gears often. Your mind is driven by the one behind. Not the road.
And occassionally you ignore some other car coming up from behind, that you werent prepared for.
Or by being the fastest on the road
It doesnt matter who’s behind you. Its you who defines the race. And the goal
How are you ahead of the race?
I should now call you sir
Email this morning
What does a great company offer?
Opportunities. Nothing more. Just that.
A career is what you make of it.
Or not
Don’t expect anyone else but you to plan your career.
Why should I live after flunking the JEE on my second attempt?
Answer by Ankur Warikoo:
Because I did!
Failed JEE twice.
Infact thrice – didn't even make it through the entrance test for Masters.And I think I have done just fine.
Have an awesome family, an unbelievably fun job, super smart colleagues, friends that care for me.
And a life worthy of responding to this question!
Why should I live after flunking the JEE on my second attempt?
What’s worse than no data?
I am going to take a contrarian view here and say – worse than no data is multiple sources of the same data.
Therein you have killed all objectivity that the data was meant to bring. It’s now subjective. And worse still you don’t know what it favors. Suddenly everyone is showing their version of the data point, to prove their assumptions. To get data to speak your language. And to confess.
If you torture it enough, even data will succumb
Lower your emotional guard
I grew up containing my emotions. It wasn’t for you to share or express what you felt towards them. It was expected that the opposite person would understand your emotions.
By age I have become wiser. It’s perhaps the most important gift I have given myself. I have lowered my emotional guard.
The next time you feel anything towards anyone. Do yourself a favor and let them know. Don’t think of what they will think of you.
I love you
I miss you
I couldn’t have done it without you
I don’t know this
You are so awesome
You amaze me
You make me jealous
You inspire me
You make me feel weak
Thank you
Find your kryptonite. Only then you will be superman!
Why hide? And hide what?
The Industrial Age it seems was built on information asymmetry. People were powerful not because of what they did but because of what they knew.
And I hate that world.
- Closed door strategy meetings
- Getting your colleagues to sign endless non compete documents
- Being secretive about your financials
- Being secretive about salaries
- NDAs floating all over
All of these are beautiful examples of a misplaced sense of self importance. That we know better.
But we don’t.
Nor does anyone else, just because they have access.
I know that if one puts in even the slightest effort, the groupon india financials will be easily available. And it doesn’t bother me one bit. Because those are just numbers. They don’t tell a story. They don’t speak of the effort. Of what it took! Just the same way me knowing Amazon financials will not make me Amazon!
Imagine a world, where you get up one fine day and all the information is available to you.
- Who earns what, And why
- What’s the cost structure of that company
- What’s the next campaign of your competition
- When is the government announcing tax cuts
- Have aliens visited us
Everyone knows everything.
Suddenly, the only way for me to become better than you, is to work harder and smarter than you. I know nothing more than you.
That’s a world I would die to live in!
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