Hang out

I hang out with my friends  I hang out with my colleagues With my family  At the movies At restaurants At shopping malls With my phone  With TV With my laptop I hang out 16 hours a day with something or someone  15 mins everyday, on my way to work,...

Don’t sit on a chair when…

Pointing mistakes  Making decisions The next time you are in either of these two situations, make the effort of getting up and understanding the impact of what you are about to do.  It’s easy to sit and point mistake  It’s hard to understand...


Don’t crib  Don’t be lazy Don’t judge Don’t be perfect Don’t wait Don’t sit Don’t review  Don’t pause  Don’t let free time enter your schedule  Don’t let others tell you what to do...

Wrote a book in 35 mins

Conversation with my Ola driver this morning  There is no difference between Uber and Ola and Meru or any other. Difference lies in my willingness to work  If I tell myself that I can do it, anything is possible  Key is not to be lazy. If I have to get...

How did you get saved today? 

Every single day we are making mistakes  Taking the wrong decisions  Misunderstanding situations Hurting people Prioritizing urgency over importance  And every single day, life will send signals our ways To tell us that it’s the wrong path ...

I am at fault 

The very instance you say these words, you set yourself free.  You come clean No more guilt  No more presence  It doesn’t matter if people are still judging you  You now know what to fix And how to win tomorrow  Strangely enough, people...