You are simply you!

If I could go back in time, I would tell my 20-year old self this: This decade is when you will be judged the most. Your college.Your job.Your car.Your phone.Your clothes.Your choices. Here’s the thing:People judge you because they want to feel good about themselves....

“If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

Ever thought of asking for something on social media AND actually getting it? I was scrolling on Twitter one day, when I came across this Tweet:“I just need someone to take me to a bookstore and pay my bill.” I am all in favour of having no budget for books and...

3-word money advices to my 18-year old self

1. Rent until 35.2. Don’t do FDs.3. Invest for long.4. Only buy assets.5. Rich isn’t wealth.6. Wealth is freedom.7. Invest every month.8. Read Atomic Habits.9. FOMO isn’t investing.10. Freedom is privilege.11. Read about compounding.

“Move on. It’s in the past.”

This is one of the worst things that people can say if you have just failed or lost. Don’t move on. Pause.Reflect.Introspect.Make changes.Then take a step. Failure by itself does not lead to success.It is the introspection and action upon failure that leads to...

The difference between important and urgent

During a 1:1 with my team member, she asked me the meaning of something I had shared online.“The more you solve for today, the farther tomorrow gets.” I explained:There are urgent things:Calls.Emails.Timelines.Attending to the door.DMs to be responded to. And there...

Your first work matters!

“Hey Ankur, I read your blog posts from 2005 onwards and they were quite unlike who you are today.Why do you still have them there?Don’t you care that people will judge you for who you were?” Someone asked me this earlier this week. I wrote my first...