Words. Wisdom. Winners.
The easy and hard part of building a company
As entrepreneurship is getting cool, it is becoming even cooler to provide people with bean bags, free coffee and lunch, and flexibility to come and leave any time.
What remains the hard part still remains the hard part: To build a culture that helps people thrive.
To build a place where people are heard.
And to build a company where people are encouraged to fail, not dismissed when they do!
As the easy things get easier, it is getting harder to get the hard things in place!
Which is where the best talent lives!
The real drugs
It is not the salary that is the drug.
It is the stability that is the drug.
It is the predictability that is the drug.
It is the complacency that is the drug.
It is the addiction to the status quo that is the drug.
It is the lack of awareness that you need to push yourself even in a salaried job, that is the real drug!
How to write a book
Create content daily.
Over a period of a year, you have 365 pieces of content to ride on.
Spend 30 minutes daily, for a month to convert that into a written material.
Spend the next 60 days editing and polishing the book.
Your book is now ready!
The truth is, the next year is going to pass away anyway, what are you going to do about it when it passes?
Good vs Great Employees
What good employees do:
– Do their work
What great employees do:
– Do their work
– Help others with their work
– Take responsibility of their work
– Are accountable for what they do
– Do not put others down
– Invent new ways of growing the team
– Everyone can rely on them, without thinking twice.
The truth about curiosity
The ones who truly learn everything, do not start with wanting to learn everything.
Learning isn’t a choice or a destination.
Learning is a lifestyle.
Those who end up learning “everything”, never ever started with the “want”.
Their curiosity was enough :)
Curiosity begins where desire ends.
Curiosity leads to everything, when desire leads you nowhere.
How to have clarity in mind
By writing down your thoughts.
Whether you are a writer or not.
When you write things down, you give words to clutter in your head.
That clutter then sees a direction, mostly a probable solution as well.
And even when you do not walk away with a solution, you have a clearer problem
When mind entangles, writing liberates.
How we got lucky with content
Anyone you see cracking it hard in content, it is easy to say they got lucky.
Well, here’s the truth: We did get lucky with our content.
For 2+ years, we have been creating consistent content on all our channels – every day, every week, every month – without any fail. We show up, and we create content. When we feel like. And when we don’t feel like.
And over a long period of consistency, luck works out for you.
Luck favours those who don’t stop favouring the relentless hard work.
I still remember that
It’s been almost 18 years when I heard that from my first manager.
I still remember that.
In my first job, I had made a movie to train sales professionals – a training that would otherwise be given on PPTs.
It worked out really well!
Except, that I started getting a LOT of work, while others didn’t.
That’s when, while I was frustrated, my first manager said: Good people pay a higher price for being good than bad people pay for being bad.
That’s not it. It is the counter that is something I wouldn’t want to be: I wouldn’t want to be someone who isn’t trusted and is given responsibilities.
And when you know what you don’t want to be, you inch a step closer to who you want to be. Isn’t that priceless?
Life will be easier, then
What’s a surprising long term investment to career success?
Being likeable.
It doesn’t mean you agree with everyone on everything.
It doesn’t mean you go after currying favour.
It means you:
1. Act with respect
Whether it’s a senior, junior, office peon, security guard, or your colleagues. Acting with respect irrespective of how they look, speak, dress, the college they went to or how much they earn, speaks a lot about who you are.
2. Don’t complain. Ever.
People who are constantly complaining suck the energy out of you. You wouldn’t be doing the same to others.
3. Embrace feedback.
You may or may not agree with every feedback you receive, however, if you listen to the objectivity of the message, it will only work out for you.
If people like you, life will be easier.
Breaking my beliefs
I absolutely unapologetically judge people who send “Good morning” messages on WhatsApp.
Until I became one of them :)
Last month, my team and I went for an offsite to Puducherry.
Offsites help us know each other, for not just the work we do, rather also for who we are.
Once I got back home, it felt weird to not have a meal together, after having all meals together for 5 continuous days!
So I sent a “good morning” text to our group.
My wife was surprised, because I would be the last person ever to do that!
It turns out, sometimes it is okay to surpass your own beliefs.
Especially when you’re missing your team :))
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