
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

won lamhe…woh baatein…

holy sweet mother of jesus…what the hell is with this song that i listen to it some 97816967962892 times a day…! and why the hell is everyone else doing the same. its like the anthem at ISB this year…! and its fails to die down anytime soon. i do admit…the song rocks…and surprises surprises…its the slower version that rocks more for me!

yesterday was fun…and tiring. the classes were a little heavy…and AA (with his dry sense of humor….”this is knowledge in motion..!!!!!!!” – when the white board started rising by itself..!) did make the marketing class heavier than it should have been. it just reiterates my belief that americans have a much ‘live’ sense of humor which..even if thought of before…comes across as fresh and believable.

the accounting class was heavy as well…revenue recognition…phew!! was one of the moments when u realize that things are running past you…when the reality is that they are jst walking. and yet you cant catch up..! however, a couple of dedicated hours will make the difference. will happen over this weekend.

Everyone is really tense about the stats mid term…which makes me tense as to why am i not tense…! (ok..that sentence had a lot of ‘tense’es…did you notice..!!??). i guess they have mindblocked themselves against the stats thingy and thus making them vulnerable infront of the subject.

lets see what happens tom. oh btw…i am planning to buy a bean bag and reorganizing my room a bit. lets see how it works. want to feel more at home as long as i am here. R…where r u…? :(


…the mckinsey way…

they call it the bible of consulting…and i guess i was drawn by this more than the cover…! started reading it yesterday and the first few pages are like this…

“dude…u know what…i have worked at mckinsey for 3 years… read it right…3 god damn years…thats like a lot of time..! and during this period i got to know everything possible about mckinsey…about the operations…the malfunctions…the client’s…the client’s wives….everything…! and then one fine day…when i quit…and realized that i am short of a gigillion dollars every month….i decided to write a book…and earn money. so here i am…!!!!!”

i have my apprehensions reading about mckinsey from someone who was there for 3 years. its like…after my 3 yrs at US i write a book titled…”US: What you didnt know about it and always wanted to…”…but lets see..i will still read it. might turn out to be good…

yesterday was norma otherwise. with the stats midterm approaching…everyone seems to be drowning in the SDs and the SEs and the means…and what nots. but its good to see people taking exams so seriously even when they are like 27…(on an average). talks a lot about the enthu and the dedication levels.

Amazing news…R has got another RO for lacs and she is using her charmto fetch another 2 odd. well…girls do have a way around things…and especially for someone as smart as her…it really doesnt take much for a guy to fall for her and gift her a 32K pen…!!!!!!! (YYYaaahhhhhhhh….thats right…i mean…dude…at what precise point during your interaction with her DID YOU LOOSE IT…!!!)

oh…because i ‘so – a – manage – a – my time – a – well – a’….(ahem ahem!)…i was watching a movie last night..which ditched me towards the middle cause of a scratched CD. the movie is ‘bridges of madison county’…the book was lovely and the movie was too…as much as i had seen it. its a pity i cudnt finish with it..!

last evening..the soap box presentation for the GSB president were held. pretty funny and interesting stuff. there are 5 candidates and all are as good as they are bad. so its going to be a tough battle with stupid lobbying and campaigning…” name is chintu…please vote for me…jai hind..!”

am standing for the post of VP-MCC (marketing and comm council). i have heard this draws the largest female participation…so i didnt have to think too hard on this. elections are next week…!

looking forward to today…take care…



notice the question mark in the subject. i really dont know if i am feeling so. but yah…i am not at ease. its something that i cant discuss in public…(then why the hell did you even bring it up..u moron…!!)…

forget it…!

yesterday was ok…AB is drawing a lot of slack cause of his course delivery and especially the assignments. there is no respect for the honor code visible anywhere…and the ones suffering are the ones that shouldnt be suffering in the first place. lets see what we can do about it…

RS and SW bid adieu last night. we had organized a small get together for them…which went well. i wasnt there for long though.

everyone else seems to be studying real hard for the coming stats mid term…(notice…i avoided using the word ‘reading’…i guess they finally realized that they have the power to THINK…!)

R was wonderful to talk to…had a good night talk with her. was missing her a lot lately. its amazing how…the more i meet so many people…the more you realize how lucky i am to be with her. people are so messed up…mann…i feel scared for them…

anyways…looking forward to an eco quiz today. hope it makes some sense today…!


another week…

E is with me right now…trying to ‘read’ statistics. its amazing how many people over the past 3 weeks have tried…and tried…and tried…to read statistics. hmmmm…how about doing statistics for a change…???? (dammit…never thought of that before….duhhhh!!!!!)

anyways…last night was fun. A and U had their bdays…so the dunking ritual led them to the pool. invariably the dunking ratio usualy ends up being 4:1…(number of guys who got dunked:number of guys whose bday it was)…and we made sure the ratio was satisfied to the 95% confidence interval with a SE of o9792.9882 and mean of 68787671.782…(not to mention the t value of 862…..aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh….geeeeeekkkkkkk!!!!!!!!)

however…the icing on the cake. G getting dunked. it was great fun. she was evidently pissed…but got over it rather soon (hopefully..). however i am sure that N needs to be a little careful over the next some weeks…lest he may find himself around snakes (let loose by G)…or some similar shit..!

another week lies ahead…lets see how it goes.

question for the day:
why is abbreviation such a long word…?



the beginning…

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