Words. Wisdom. Winners.
mussoorie moon…

Moon over the mountains
shiney ahuja finally a hero…
in the biggest WTF of the year, Hindustan Times reports how real life situations are turning into celluloid events! So there are films being produced (and lo behold…also ‘directed’) on Scarlett Keeling’s murder, Varun Gandhi’s hate speech and Soumya Vishwanathan’s murder!
What takes the cake though is this dude Kanti Shah (for the ill-informed…basically people who should commit suicide incase they dont know about Kanti – the dude…he is the same guy who is credited with Oscar classics such as Gunda, Jallad No. 1, Munnibai, Ganga Bani Shola! Hail the lord!)…
Mr. Shah now wants to make a movie on the Shiney Ahuja rape case! He says…and I quote…”Yes, I am making a film on the Shiney Ahuja rape case. Shooting will begin soon. It is titled Rape and newcomers Imran and Sapna will play the characters of Shiney and the maid. Although the film will be based on true events and there will be no fictitious details added, there will be song and dance sequences.”
I can only imagine how poor Sapna would have got this role…! And I can only begin to think what an utterly disgusting piece of shit this is…
Ofcourse, the last statement breaks all records…! One…this dude will never ever have all the facts right…and two..being nasty…how does he know that song and dance sequences are fictional…???
and what is the friggin story in this entire event…???? oh wait..this is different…stories come last…!
anil wilson and michael jackson WILL meet…
the morning brought in news of two (atleast for me) sudden demises. Anil Wilson, former principal at St. Stephen’s and Michael Jackson passed away…
Now..I am a hindu graduate and to even talk good about Ste-vens is like Shahrukh stating that Aamir is a better actor…which btw he is…as is hindu better than ste-vens! :) no..seriously…i havent been a big fan of ste-vens driven largely by the snob value they exhibit…but i do think that the college is very different from the rest of the DU crowd (and i would place LSR too in the same bracket…maybe SRCC too…but no one else). and a lot of the credit for this goes to Wilson
i recall the summer of 2008, when i had just passed out of school…with a phenomenal earth shattering score of 88%..which in today’s world will surely fetch me a seat in lovely professional university (havent heard of it…CMON..!!!)…i know of my relatives who will NOT get a seat in the top 5 DU colleges even with a 90%…crazy…!
so yah…with this 88% in my hand…i applied for physics at 3 colleges…stephens, hindu and venki..! stephens was first to come up with their list and…would you believe it…i hadnt made it…short of just 1 mark…just 1 friggin mark…! i mean…had i even answered that electrode question with a diagram and nothing else…i would have got that 1 mark…!! and oh..i had also applied for electronics (gen) at stephens
i eventually made it to hindu…but not before i gave an interview for electronics at stephens. yes…i had made it to the cut-off…and sat facing wilson and a physics prof who didnt seem to be of much importance.
wilson: what do you want to do later in your life?
me: astrophysics…i want to become an astronomer or astrophysicist (and btw…there is a difference!)
wilson: so where does electronics come in the picture
me: doesnt…but stephens is a powerful brand name
wilson: you think a brand will take you to your destiny or the content of your academic program
me: both…honestly…
wilson: no my son…trust me…tomorrow if stephens is bombed…it doesnt exist anymore…but your education will…tomorrow if we start producing criminals…the name is destroyed…but your education isnt…
me: (what the hell is this dude talking about!…if he has already decided not to take me…then just say so!)
wilson: i would love to have you in Stephen’s…but would much rather have you do what is meaningful for you..even if that means going somewhere else.
10 years down…i see the importance of his words…today i am where several of my friends from the iits/iims/srcc/stephens etc would love to be…or atleast i am where they are too..! i recall that i used to compete a lot with a friend of mine from school…in terms of who is going to score higher in the term exams…! he eventually went to DCE while i couldnt clear any of my entrance exams…and 3 years back he got placed in accenture and i was in kearney! i dont mean to undermine accenture (well…maybe to a certain bit!) but the fact is…even a DU guy with just a bsc degree is up where the other super cool studs are…
that was the first and last time i interacted with wilson…but have been following him ever since…! it is indeed a tragic loss…
…and so is MJ’s demise!! i have friggin grown up on the dangerous album cassette, which at 48 bucks was my most expensive spend till that time…! i havent been crazy about him…like some other fans who have stripped naked/fainted/lost their voice/killed their wife to arrange for concert tickets (ok i made that one up)…! but hey…i liked him…and i think everyone who grew up in the 80’s did…!
ofcourse…recent developments hadnt left much of MJ goodwill all across..but he had already done what he had come out to do…
good job dude…wish that last tour of yours had happened…
StudyTimes (now StudyNation) launched!
Its finally done….after 9 months of content building, development efforts and designing iterations…Accentium is out with its education portal
we really have high hopes from the product…and have invested a lot of energy, time and soul to it during these 9 months…lets see where it takes us…! my personal aim is India’s No 1 education website within a year of launch…
go through the site…give us feedback…we are suckers for it…help us improve…we have a long way to go and we need your support…
rediff comments simply rock
there is no…and i mean NO better use of one’s time then to read the comments below every rediff article…! they not only stamp my blindfolded belief that we Indians have the most time in this world to simply do nothing….it also helps one to capture the utter stupidity of a certain section of the society…
In a recent article on “College girls in Kanpur react against jeans ban” (which btw was another reflection of the f***ed up mental state of some of us…i meant the ban..not the reaction), here is a sample of a comment by a dude who calls himself saneindian!
Following Bans should be enforced 1) Ban women from wearing Jewelry as it might attract theives. 2) Ban women from wearing saree as it can reveal some parts of the body which are not visible through salwar kameez 3)Ban women from wearing make up. Unwanted attention again. 4) Ban women from driving bikes. 5) Ban women from going out with strangers 6) Ban women from venturing out after 9PM. This will ensure that women will be safe and secure. *PS – Implement above and Taliban will be proud of India and their backward baboon mentaility. |
I love points 2 and 3 above..! I wonder what his mum and wife have to say to this…but imagine a scene in the evening, right before saneindian and his wife are to leave for his best friend’s wedding party…
saneindian: babes…did i tell you i got this really cool tatoo this morning, after bunking work…! have a look
saneindian wife: oh wow…show show…ummm…what is it…i cant figure out…
saneindian: u bloody dumbass woman…you are looking at it the other way round…here…let me show you the right way…huh…huh…huh??? like it no…??
saneindian wife: omg…what are these?
saneindian: samantha fox’s tits! but you wont even know who samantha fox is…forget it…!
saneindian wife: chee chee chee…yeh sab aapko shobha thodi deta hain…
saneindian: yah whatever…! ok..lets leave, we are getting late. have you ironed my shirt?
saneindian wife: yah…given it for ironing..and guess what…i am wearing that sexy white saree…
saneindia: WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT????? F***ING HELLL…YOU BLOODY WEARING A SAREE…who do you think you are…samantha fox…????????
whats even better than this fantabulous comment is the one right after…this time by Nikhil Arora who is clearly not best friends with saneindian…
Little is better I fully suggest that the dress code for girls should be minis and tank tops. Smaller is better… As we are aping West in every frontier… why not in dress codes? So just like the music videos it would be like Riverdale… girls coming in the miniest skirts and shortest shorts and the smallest tops… Girls would really appreciate my idea… Hopefully most modern Indian guys would just swallow my idea.. for the beautiful eye-concotion… Wont it be fun?? |
you bet it will be fun…even more fun when saneindian comes around to your place and beats the shit out of you while 213 onlookers gather and enjoy the show…
rediff rocks…!
shadow fun
quite funny…thanks moukes for sending this…

shall we head back to my place
most common facebook names
TechCrunch had an interesting article today on the most common facebook names.
Now, its a given fact that facebook is not the most promiment social networks in India…because unlike orkut…stricking a conversation with random people is much harder than simply going to orkut and suggesting…”hi sweetie…i want to make friendships with you…do you me???”! And india is all about randomness…its unbelievable how much time people have here…! I can bet my iphone on the fact that the best business in this country is to supply popcorn and pepsi to onlookers after an accident has taken place…or better still…if some equally random people are having a fight on the streets…
anyways…so back to the most common facebook names. FB is big in the US…so naturally you would expect the johns and johhnys and michaels to rule this list. So I couldnt see any Indian name in the 100 most common first names on facebook
the last name list though was interesting…! My fellow indians…hold your breath…cause this list did have Indian last names..! not one…but several…! HOWEVER, the one topping list is….tara rum pum…lalalala….SINGH. Ranked 21. All these bloody gadhe log that have survived on sardar jokes through their childhood…(and khushwant singh…who still continues to at the age of 153)…go take a leak. Cause if the singhs can friggin understand facebook…spread the word around…and get other singhs to join…and not just that but become the top ranked indian last name on facebook…then dude…they are not the same sardars on which the jokes were made…!!
i would have expected the sharmas/kumars/patels/jains…but they are ranked much lower…!
the most common full names list was dissapointing though…! will the real rohit sharma please stand up…! or amit gupta? or ashok kumar? make your presence felt…dont waste time making friendships…orkut is over…!!
i will be really interested to see corresponding results for orkut…especially for females. well…neha is definitely up there…but rani might be stiff competition…and hey…pooja…?
how to be happy…
in my years of searching for the answers…the multiple visits to the himalays…and the painful one-leg tapasya…and being distracted by that urvashi babe….i havent come across something as simplistic as this…
how to be happy…

the happiness venn diagram
…after dilly dallying for some 6 months…i finally got myself to move to my new base. is no longer being updated…(well this is news from Jan…!) and will hereby act as the personal webpage of Sharad Pawar…!
LOTS has happened since i last wrote…the biggest being my move into full-time entrepreneurship…! note the use of “full-time” which indicates that at some point of time in my life i was a part-time entrepreneur…which is equalivalent to being Amitabh Bachchan without the voice and the height! basically its just the name…!
the last 3 years at Kearney were awesome…but i think there couldnt be a better time to move. i had learnt a lot…worked with some fantastic people…(most with an IQ 200% times more than mine)…met with the biggest names in Indian corporate world…had a brilliant time moving around the world…which constitutes 2 main countries in my globe…UAE and US…
but things were moving real fast at Accentium…and new products are being launched…! i think i am justifying my full-time existence in the firm…but there is so much more to look forward to…! exciting times
we are launching the education portal this week.! we all are looking keenly towards it…and have big expectations…the next few months will show us how these expectations stand against reality
there will be my usual rants…people who have been to alienwan know how much gargabe i am capable of…! but am also excited about sharing my snaps through the site…and getting feedback. in addition to sharing my experiences as an extrepreneur…
hope you enjoy your time here…
PS: I have imported all my past blog entries below…some of which I am scared to say I have written…! :)
2008…and 2009
Jan 03, 2008
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