Words. Wisdom. Winners.
how to be happy…
in my years of searching for the answers…the multiple visits to the himalays…and the painful one-leg tapasya…and being distracted by that urvashi babe….i havent come across something as simplistic as this…
how to be happy…

the happiness venn diagram
…after dilly dallying for some 6 months…i finally got myself to move to my new base. is no longer being updated…(well this is news from Jan…!) and will hereby act as the personal webpage of Sharad Pawar…!
LOTS has happened since i last wrote…the biggest being my move into full-time entrepreneurship…! note the use of “full-time” which indicates that at some point of time in my life i was a part-time entrepreneur…which is equalivalent to being Amitabh Bachchan without the voice and the height! basically its just the name…!
the last 3 years at Kearney were awesome…but i think there couldnt be a better time to move. i had learnt a lot…worked with some fantastic people…(most with an IQ 200% times more than mine)…met with the biggest names in Indian corporate world…had a brilliant time moving around the world…which constitutes 2 main countries in my globe…UAE and US…
but things were moving real fast at Accentium…and new products are being launched…! i think i am justifying my full-time existence in the firm…but there is so much more to look forward to…! exciting times
we are launching the education portal this week.! we all are looking keenly towards it…and have big expectations…the next few months will show us how these expectations stand against reality
there will be my usual rants…people who have been to alienwan know how much gargabe i am capable of…! but am also excited about sharing my snaps through the site…and getting feedback. in addition to sharing my experiences as an extrepreneur…
hope you enjoy your time here…
PS: I have imported all my past blog entries below…some of which I am scared to say I have written…! :)
2008…and 2009
Jan 03, 2008
Long Long time…
and with a purpose…
Top 10 Things To Do In Bali – The Video
Instead of writing down a thousand words..I will let the video do the talking
Top 10 Things To Do In Bali
Am proud to be an Indian….
As long as DUDES such as Manmohan Singh continue to exist…
this is by far the best speech delivered by an Indian politician…
“…I have often said that I am a politician by accident. I have held many diverse responsibilities. I have been a teacher, I have been an official of the Government of India, I have been a member of this greatest of Parliaments, but I have never forgotten my life as a young boy in a distant village.
Every day that I have been Prime Minister of India I have tried to remember that the first ten years of my life were spent in a village with no drinking water supply, no electricity, no hospital, no roads and nothing that we today associate with modern living. I had to walk miles to school, I had to study in the dim light of a kerosene oil lamp. This nation gave me the opportunity to ensure that such would not be the life of our children in the foreseeable future.
Sir, my conscience is clear that on every day that I have occupied this high office, I have tried to fulfill the dream of that young boy from that distant village…“
This is it….
Here is it…
The Purest Form of Art
Since writing on the walls is done neither for critical acclaim, nor financial rewards…it remains the purest form of art
Physical and Digital Books
“People loved their horses, too. But you don’t keep riding your horse to work just because you love it.”
–Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on the difference between physical books and digital ones
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