
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

Something about cities

Something about cities fascinates me. Captures identity that goes beyond people.

These are shots from Singapore.




I love emotions.

Especially when thats the only language spoken by brands

No hard sell

No features

No specs

No price

No promise

Just pure emotions

In a way – they sell our own story to us!



What is risk?

Jumping off bridges is considered too risky. Yet some people do it for fun.
Quitting your job is considered too risky. Yet some people have achieved success because of it.
Taking a loan is considered too risky. Yet some people have created wealth by taking smart loans.

What you define as risk may not be risky for someone else.
The definiton of risk is determined by you. its not an absolute

Do ahead and define risk
in a way that doesn’t scare you!

Time > Money

20 years back I would travel 50km one way and spend an entire day to save Rs. 100 in textbooks and notebooks

15 years back I would stand in line for 2 hours to get a monthly pass made for my bus travel

10 years back I would spend an hour everyday cooking food to save money on eating out

5 years back I would visit 3 shops to get the best price on the laptop

I buy my music on iTunes
I call for bids when I want to buy something
I would much rather pay people to get work done and free up my time

The above may seem as a sign of prosperity. Disguised within it is actually an increasing value for one’s time.

So many people despite growing in life haven’t increased the value of their own time. They take pride in placing the same constant value.
Society calls it being earthy.
They confuse it with humbleness.

If your time doesn’t have an increasing value – you are not creating value. You are merely redistributing it. Because you are “wasting” your time on something that will create much lesser value than it could otherwise.

Place a value to your time. And take it onto yourself to keep increasing it.

Change your league

Almost always our goals in life are outcomes
The house you always wanted
The car you desire
The trip you wish to go on
The startup funding
The 6 pack abs

Outcomes don’t happen on their own. Outcomes require an input variable.

How about changing your goals to the input variables – the process that will almost conclusively decide the outcome?
Saving to invest every month, and where
Reaching out to an investor every week
Working out everyday

And then – change your league.
Think of the impossible input variable. The uncomfortable one. The hard one. The one you are scared of. The one you always wished you could do but haven’t done till date

Saving even before you spend a penny
Reaching out to investors in the valley
Working out everyday and completely changing your diet

Because someone somewhere said something – which will always hold true!


Safe sucks

If you have always had enough money in your bank
If the car seat plastic is still on
If you have never ran to catch a bus
If you have never quit a job because you hated it
If you have never spoken to a big crowd
If you check all doors after you have shut down your car
If you have never danced in public
If you never gone on a vacation alone
If you have never challenged the status quo
If you chose company name over work profile
If you have posted anonymous

Then you have played safe
And nothing great was ever achieved by playing safe. You can’t win by playing safe. You stop living!

Safe sucks!

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