Words. Wisdom. Winners.
Emotional punishment
Punishment 1:
This isn’t what I wanted
Why didn’t you work hard
Why didn’t you work longer
Couldn’t you be more rigorous
This is wrong
You are wrong
Punishment 2:
You have let me down. I trusted you
Guess which of the two is the easy path?
Guess which of the two is the right path?
Don’t tell people they are wrong. They know that.
Instead tell them how you didn’t expect them to be wrong.
And tomorrow they won’t be anymore!
Growth can hide a lot of things
Employee attrition
Negative Unit economics
Customer churn
High customer acquisition costs
No time for 1:1
Technology debt
Unethical practices
No product market fit
No time for family
No time for your health
But there is one thing growth cannot hide
Your conscience
You cannot lie on stage. The audience will always know it is within your heart.
The six of us were in office till 4am this morning
Abusing each other
Taking decisions
Moving forward
And it felt like magic. I woke up at 730, with 3 hours of sleep, and somehow unreasonably fresh.
Nothing beats the feeling of having done more in 24 hours than the day expected you to!
Here is the deal about a genius
They are unpredictable
They are not driven by any logic, rather an unexplained spark in their head
They can’t predict the future. Not can they plan for it.
Instead they can simply change the future. Or give you the perpetual hope that one day they will.
Genius is dangerous!
What’s not dangerous is an artist. Someone who creates art.
Someone who follows a pattern. Not rules. But themselves. And a pattern. Even if eccentric you know what to expect. They don’t make people believe that their levels are unattainable. Instead they portray that if worked hard enough anyone can become them.
They die taking the world forward.
While it’s easy to fall in love with a genius, hunt for artists in life.
Whose life are you living?
Damn, it’s Monday again
They must think I am stupid
They must think I am ugly
Why don’t they call me often
Why don’t they talk to me properly
How do I impress them
How do I become better than them
Who should I please next
Whose life should I live
How about yours?
Each time we live our life on someone else’s terms, we are submitting ourselves to someone who is most likely doing the same thing to his own life.
You either live you life on your own terms or find someone who is doing so and then live life on theirs.
Change the world given to us
Ever noticed the bee in the room.
Trying to get out. Banging it’s head against the clear window. Doing so repeatedly with no success. But not giving up.
She can see the world outside. She can see her goal. Her end point. But is shocked at how difficult it is to get past this hurdle. It’s clear. Why can’t I pass through?
She doesn’t realize that the door next to the window is wide open. For her to fly out.
The window, as large as it is, seems to be her entire world. The door isn’t even in the frame of reference.
The bee is us.
The window is the world we were given
The door is the world we could have created for ourselves
How many of us attempt to change the world that was given to us?
Someone died on the streets today
Everyday we read news and hear stories about people that die on the streets of india.
Most of them are under the influence of alcohol when the accident happened.
we feel sorry.
And we think we are above this.
We know when to stop. We are in control. We know the roads. We know ourselves.
This won’t happen to us.
Until one day, when it does!
This morning someone died on the streets of Bangalore.
He was 27
He was intoxicated. Driving without a helmet.
He was from nearbuy
His parents, from Jharkhand, were told last night that their son wouldn’t survive. Right now they are on their way to Bangalore. They have no fucking idea that their son has died.
Their son is gone.
In a moment, their entire life has changed. For the worse. It will be the same again. They will live a life of regret, of pain, of unbelievable sorrow and extreme helplessness.
They didn’t sign up for this shit. No one signs up for this shit.
The next time you say
Just one more drink
Just one more drag
Just one more km to drive in this state
Just one more mistake
Remember that you will end up saying the full price of that incremental mistake. The full price.
And you will leave behind a world that has no choice but to live on your behalf.
The slowest one
Our entire world is about pegging ourselves to the slowest ones. The ones who destroy it for everyone else.
I drive at 40kmph because someone decided it would be fun to drive at 100kmph and couldn’t handle it.
I drink post 25 years because someone decided it would be fun to drink at 20 and couldn’t handle it.
I need clear car windows because someone decided it would be fun to have dark tints and then fuck around with laws!
The individuals who are the “slowest” define the pace and direction for all of us.
And that’s true of companies as well.
“Let’s slow down and build our base” is just another way of saying “let’s slow down because I am not ready”.
Startups, instead, pick the slowest one up. And start running again.
It may be slower than the fastest one before.
But it’s way faster than the slowest one.
Peg yourself to the fastest one.
2 things
Think of 2 things you need to do, to become better at your work
Don’t scroll down. Think of them first
Those who thought of 3 or more are entrepreneurs
Will – the only four letter word you know
A lifeOf ambition
Of labor
Not just physical but emotional
Of no regrets
Of time as the biggest weapon you have
Of will the only four letter word
And at the end of the long hard day
When you look up
Not for inspiration
Not in desperation
But just to acknowledge the power of your will
The world is forced to say
You deserve more
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