People to avoid; people to hold on to

Avoid People who think of themselves higher than you think of them They don’t want to grow. They think they have already done everything They have a misplaced sense of self worthDeveloped largely by their own mindsNot by feedbackHold on toPeople who hold you to...

Independence Day

Patriotism is when you like your country for what it does Nationalism is when you like your country irrespective of what it does Are you a patriot or a nationalist, when it comes to your startup?

If you are talented, you better have this

Vidur (my 6yr old) has been learning the piano for a year now. And he is really good at it. He can read and write notes And usually understands new notes faster than anyone in classAnd then plays it by memoryHas also started creating his own music. Which doesn't...

Happy birthday nearbuy

It's been precisely 2 years since we became nearbuy from Groupon And I honestly didn't expect such high and lows when we started on this journey. In my head, it was a lot more stable and a lot more predictable Instead – it was 2 years of fascinating...

Here is how our mind is a virus

I have come to realize that the physical and mental self are two different beings. Almost independent. The physical self seems to have no mind of its own (no pun intended) It loves to sleepIt loves to eatIt loves to laze It love comfortThe mental self clearly has a...