5 Tests Every Entrepreneur Should Fail At

1. The treadmill test The treadmill is a fascinating device. You walk on it, jog, run, run as fast as you can. Burn energy. Start panting. But you don’t move an inch forward. You are where you were right when you started. As an entrepreneur, chose what you...

Perfection is often mistaken 

One of my favorite interview question is “what is the worst thing about you?” It is uncanny how many times I have heard the response, “I am a perfectionist. I fret if things are not done the right way.” No you are not. Because here is what most...

You deserve more 

The past weekend led a bunch of us to realize that we are always surrounded by people that are always working hard. Never stopping. Never believing that it’s over. Never saying I quit.  And when we meet them, life forces us to say “you deserve...

Teach me

Teach me When you utter these 2 words, several things happen in tandem You accept you don’t know You accept you are willing to learn You acknowledge the opposite person for what they know You are ready to submit yourself It’s unfortunate that most people...

Aug 5th

At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to this. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of an organization, long suppressed, finds...

A celebrity’s life

I have always maintained this. The day one acquires leadership role in an organization, the individual doesn’t have a private life anymore. Even outside of work. What you say How you said it To whom you said it When Where Why Everything is measured Everything...