
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

Why do people change?

Someone was kind to you for a long time.
Now, all of a sudden they’ve become rude.

This leaves you questioning.

How could they change? Why did they change? Did I do something wrong?
Somehow it has started affecting your self worth in that relationship. 

Here’s the truth: People don’t change. They just surface. Depending on their life circumstances or even the situations. 

When we accept people for where they are, we don’t do them a favour. We do one to ourselves. 

Focus, and lack of it

Focus is something we choose for our own selves.
For the life that we have chosen.
Our career. 

Focus makes us accountable. 

But there is another perk of that focus: The right kind of focus leads us to stop focusing on what others are doing wrong, and start looking for where they are going right. 

Owning your game does not allow you to question someone else’s. 

Losing our temper

People are going to screw up.
They are going to lose it.

And the sad part is, they won’t even understand this despite us trying to explain this to them.

So, we have two options: 

  1. Behave like the world is supposed to – get angry, and tell them where they went wrong.
  2. The other one being, to accept that some things never change and the one who needs to change is us.

The second one is a more peaceful and more difficult option.
Not because it affects the work, rather because it is now a change in equation we have to make with ourselves. 

If we lose our temper because of where others screw up, we still have a long way to go.

The world is going to throw opportunities for us to lose our temper.
The biggest opportunity we have is to never pick that opportunity.

“Nothing” is powerful

Of the many lies we were sold as kids (and upon growing up), this one always triumphs:

Something is better than nothing.
Selling a part of your soul is better than your soul making no money.

Except that when we are empty, we feel our truest emotions.

It is in solitude and standing for what we want, that we discover what we would never tolerate.

It is in the side-tracked lines of rat-race with the world that we discover we were not in a race with them in the first place!

And that’s not bad.
That’s liberating.

When we are busy with “something”, we never get the nothingness to be lost.
When we are tired of “nothing”, we discover who we truly are.

Chasing validation

The cool kid will always have opinions of you.
The boring kid within you will ache to do anything to get their validation. 

It is going to be fascinating to leave who you are and be what they are.

Except, that it isn’t a success.
If changing yourself could bring you friends, they aren’t friends.

If being someone else could bring you closer to people, it is always a wiser choice to stay alone.

Success is a relationship you have with yourself. 

If you know who you are and where you are going, you are successful.

Leadership in crisis

When you run a company, things will go bad sometimes.
And when they come to the leader – the leader has two choices. 

  1. Either they deliver to people’s expectations and get aggressive.
  2. 2. Or they surprise everyone by being calm and then facing it.

When most people expect the former, the best leaders deliver on the latter.

The best part is, we all are leaders of our respective jobs, thus, when we are calm in the tough moments of our jobs, we are displaying the right leadership skills – irrespective of our title.

Calmness is leadership.
Since being calm is a choice, displaying calmness is a superpower.

Temporary is good

The worst thing that would change your life for the worse forever.

Over time, it isn’t the worst thing.

Like every good thing that doesn’t make us excited forever, so do the bad things lose their power over time.

Time is not only a great healer, it also makes you aware of better things.

Everything is temporary.
And that’s a wonderful thing to begin with.

Leaving signatures through our work

“I have done my work.
Just go through it.
And when there are errors, I will correct them.”

This is sadly one of the reasons most of us do not end up becoming linchpins.

Because instead of thinking about becoming indispensable, we end up leaving our work undone and filled with errors. 

When our managers go through our work, instead of trusting it has been done well, they have to re-do it. 

Perhaps re-do their definition of how responsible we are.

Our brand is built by what we do.
And if we leave our work for others to give a finishing touch to, that is the brand we are building on.

Our work is our signature.
So are our errors.

Trusting in a trust-deficient society

We live in a trust deficient society.

Conditioned not to trust the delivery boy, the vegetable vendor or even the people in our team and our family.

Almost everyone operates like this.

Until one day, you decide to start from the other end: begin with trust.

Trust people for what they say.
Trust them with their choices.
Trust them to own the problem instead of pointing out. 

And you’ll be baffled by how beautifully things have turned out to be!
Most of the time, they will keep your trust. 

However, if they don’t, it always helps to look at the stats of who did keep up to the trust instead of going against it. 

The numbers would still nudge you to never stop trusting!

If people betray your trust, it always helps to leave people instead of leaving who you are.

Self love is not selfishness

When we were growing up, we were never taught self love.

More than anything else, we were sadly made to feel guilty if we didn’t make others a priority.

This conditioning led to a habit where we have forgotten how to love ourselves.

If only we realised that the best gift we could give others is to show them how to love themselves.

It will help them see themselves in the right light.
And that’s priceless!

We can love others only if we learn how to express that pious emotion to our own selves.

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