
Words. Wisdom. Winners.


Every member in my team, schedules a mandatory 1:1 with me every month, where we chat about work, any issues they are facing, anything they’d need help with, or to talk about anything they’d want to.

While having a 1:1 with a colleague this week, they asked, “Whom do you have your 1:1 with?”

As I thought about it, I have those with me!
I sit with myself, and sort everything out.
And that is my superpower.

To sort your matters out with your own self, is a superpower!

What kind of people you don’t like?

I don’t like people who complain.

Complaining robs us of our power, and tricks us into believing that we don’t have any.

You may be going through the worst, despite doing your best.
However, you still have a choice to get up, dress up, and show up; or complain.

When you choose complains, you let go of a life of your dreams.
The wise, don’t complain. Which is exactly the reason they rise.

How to test trust?

If you want to see if someone could be trusted, observe how they talk about people who aren’t there in the room.

If they are gossiping and mocking someone, chances are they will do to you as well. If they have an unbiased opinion, chances are they will do to you as well.

Absence of some people shows a lot about the presence of trust in others. And that’s powerful.


We have two core values in our team:

  1. Consistency
  2. Authenticity

However, if we had to include a third value as well, it would be: Data.

Because we are consistent in sharing content, we are also consistent in analysing it.

Which is one of the secret sauces of our growth.

Unless you measure something, you can’t grow it!


You want to get fit?
Simple – eat right and workout.

You want to manage time?
Simple – start measuring where you spend it.

You want to get better at relationships?
Simple – give more than you take.

You want to grow at your job?
Simple – challenge the status quo, at the risk of failing.

The answers are always simple. Not easy. They are hard.
But, the answers are always SIMPLE!

Why do relationships exist?

Relationships give us companionship and support.

However, when we expect them to make us happy, we are giving away our remote control.

That isn’t true happiness.
That’s placing undue burden on someone we truly love!

Why would you do that?

The best relationship that you could develop is the one where you are happy with yourself, by yourself. And that, automatically and effortlessly trickles down to every other relationship.

Isn’t that a purpose well served?

The purpose of relationships is not to make you happy.  It’s to teach you how to be happy alone.

Bad days at work?

Every job has bad days.

Even your dream job.

You do not have to work on eliminating the tough days. You have to work on finding the reasons you love your job in the first place.

A good place doesn’t eliminate the bad one. It makes it a reason to stay.

Star Team Players

3 great hacks for you if you want to become a star team player:

1. Spend time with people who are different from you. Ask “what is it that they know that I don’t.”

2. Don’t engage in gossip. EVER!

3. Acknowledge other’s contribution in your success.
Not just in front of others. 1:1 with them as well.

A team isn’t about the best individual players.
It is the combined strength of players that makes them the best! 

Building a Team

I have had the privilege of building several companies in the past 12 years.
I have also been a part of a few, while I was working.
I have seen some companies up close, while consulting or mentoring them.

It fascinates me how some companies are able to grow and deliver consistent, supernormal growth. While some just aren’t!

The biggest difference?

The way its people are made to feel about themselves..

Because how people feel at the end of the day drives how they act. 

Every single day, I get emails from people in well-paid jobs, working with great brands, in envious roles. Yet unhappy.

Because their boss doesn’t respect them.
Because their team members do not help.
Because people around them do not inspire.
Because the team is dysfunctional.

We just came back from our quarterly offsite – from Udaipur.

For 4 days, we ate, played, and slept together. Got to know each other.

None of us are geniuses. None of us are exceptional. No two people are similar.

And yet we come together, because we work as a team!
Because people feel they can be themselves.
They feel respected. And they respect each other.

Nothing makes you feel better about yourself, than this!

So the next time you are looking for a job – do your research.
Don’t just pick the highest salary or the best brand.

Ask during interviews – how do teams work, how does feedback flow, why do people leave, why do they stay.
Find out what it will be to live in this team, before you actually live in the team.

How you feel in your job is going to matter a lot more than how much you earn in your job.


It breaks my heart to see smart, capable, driven individuals working intensely hard but not paying attention to their health.

Because I too was once one of them.
Until I decided to make 3 changes 

  1. Health – working out every day, for 1.5 hours – tennis and strength training 
  2. Diet – eating healthy, home-cooked, with my last meal before sunset
  3. Mind – meditating every day for 30 minutes

You can have it all, but if you don’t have your health, you really have none of it all.

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