
Words. Wisdom. Winners.


“How much money do you need in life?”

I ask this question often.
And I’m fascinated with the answers.

Some quote crazy figures.
The others do not know.

If you do not know the answer to this question, you will continue chasing a number that never stops.

You will spend your entire life working to earn money.

Even when you have enough.
Enough to not work for it anymore.

For me, the answer is 21.7 crores ($2.5 million), which will meet ALL of my current and future needs and desires.

If we work so hard for money, we owe it to ourselves to find the answer!


We all have little of it.

Very little.

And when we see someone more successful than us, we think we have wasted our life.

What if we tell ourselves: It is not the years gone by. It is the years still left.

We have time in the future.
We have the choice to use it to help us bloom.
Or the choice to choose it to let us go to trenches of gloom.

The past is gone. The future is yours. Just like your choice in the present.

When you are financially free

The world glamourizes financial freedom.
It is all about being rich, et al.

However, very few people know what it truly means.

When the money your investments make is good enough to cover all your expenses, that is when you are financially free.

You may be financially independent the moment you start earning, however, you are financially free the moment you don’t NEED to work.

And you are freer, when you don’t need to work but you want to work :)

Don’t run away from distractions

Don’t run away from reels. Watch them.

Don’t run away from Netflix. Watch it.

Don’t run away from distractions. Have them.

I personally schedule an hour in a day for “wasting time”.

It allows me to be more focused during working hours.

So, go eat that forbidden fruit. However, rest of the time, let your productivity produce fruits.

Honesty is a choice

Honesty, not in your conduct, rather choosing to surround yourself with honest people.

People with whom you can share what you are truly feeling.
People with whom you can share your truths about them – because you know they will be respected.
People with whom you can share your truths about yourself – because you know you will be seen and heard.

Only brutally honest people can choose to surround themselves with honest people. Otherwise, we are simply masking our own selves.

How to find content?

As a content creator, whenever you struggle with this question, it is mainly because you are trying to find something “unique” instead of trying to document your journey.

Document your wins.
Document your rituals.
Document your failures.
Document how you document things.
Document everything that you do, and that is the content.

Content isn’t unique. Your story is. Share it.

Gratitude Jar

A jar where you put in a chit every night before sleeping.
The chit contains one thing that you are grateful for that day.
Every single day.

When there comes a day that isn’t as bright (as it happens with all of us), you go back and revisit that gratitude jar, to cheer yourself up.

That tells you how much you already have, and gives you the strength to withstand what you are going through now.

It turns out, consistency in gratitude helps you the most when you need it the most. Consistency wins. Every time.


This is my job – to give to my team.

My job is to give as many opportunities to my team, so that they get to experience the growth they want to be having.

To create such opportunities, is my job to myself.

To remind myself of my job every single day, is the job description.
Which is a factor of how much hard work my team puts in their job description.

Opportunities are good. Discipline is what creates them.


Everyone struggles.

Not only you.
Everyone goes through the process of being unsure.
Of having self-doubts.
Of having struggles they hadn’t envisioned.

This isn’t a race to feel less bad about.
This is an awareness, to know that we’re all in this together, even through the loneliness and struggles.

And that’s the best part of struggle.

How we work WITHOUT targets

  1. We build a process for what we do. And we do that clinically.
  2. Every week, we analyse how well the process is serving us. Through data.
  3. Based on those numbers, we figure what is working, and what isn’t. We do more of what’s working. Do less of what isn’t. Rinse and repeat.
    3 years of this process and we have achieved goals that we could not set out for ourselves!
    From virtually nothing at the start of 2020, we are a 7Mn+ follower brand on social media!
    All of this happened, because we signed up for the process.

When goals cease to help, is when habits hail high to help.

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