
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

The real definition of growing up

When we get to a point where we understand our and everyone else’s emotions, that is when we have really grown up.

For some of us, that could be as a kid when we are filled with empathy.

For some of us, that unfortunately couldn’t arrive despite we have completed 3-4 decades or more of our life.

Growing up, is equivalent of putting your feet in others shoes, and having the power to adjust your feet accordingly.

The hardest decisions are denial first

The first time the thought to resign from the position of CEO of nearbuy came to my head, I was in denial.
Almost dismissed that thought.
Until it started getting bigger.

And when the thought kept coming to my mind over and over again, I sat down with other two startup founder friends, where they asked me a question: “Do you think you staying at nearbuy would make a big difference to the company?”

I think I knew the answer.

And it was the time to move on.

As much as I believed in nearbuy and still do, handing over that baby of mine to my other cofounders was in hindsight, the right decision for the company and myself. It was hard, or perhaps it wasn’t. But certainly it was right. Even though you know the rightness of a decision only after making it, I’m glad I made it.

Moving on, teaches us so much about moving within…

Motivation doesn’t work!

As much as you all shower your love to me online for motivation, the truth is: It doesn’t work!

If you are motivated one day, you end up working out.
What if you aren’t motivated the other 29 days of the month?

Motivation is that trusted friend whom we want to trust but ends up breaking our trust each time, not intentionally, rather out of its very nature.

The best way to do the work, is to do the work!
Every single day.
Even when you don’t feel like.
By putting it down on your calendar.
And then showing up and doing it – even when you don’t feel like doing it.

You will be stunned at the results that show up, once you show yourself that you will never stop showing up to do the work – irrespective of the weather, bruise in your toe or your water bottle leaking on the floor.

Doing the work is powerful, that brings every other power we could think of.

The kind of cold emails I love

I get 300+ emails every day. I respond to less than 5% of them.
What kind of emails get the response?

  1. People who are persistent: The ones who keep asking – who go beyond their ego, because silence means there is still a possibility.
  2. Their ability to go deep into who they wish to be and why: Their email is not a template sent to multiple people. They are self-aware, and also aware of how I specifically could help them.
  3. Instead of reaching out directly, they reached out through someone who knows me already – works like a charm!

A bit about parenting…

The single biggest impact on how the world functions is because of how parents function as parents!

Kids look up to their parents to show them how the world functions.

Do parents scold them often?
Or do they ask questions?

Do parents instruct their kids?
Or are they provocative?

Do parents spend time with their kids?
Or are they always ‘busy with important stuff’?

Raising a kid is as important as nurturing a nation.
Because how a kid is raised is how a nation gets nurtured.

If you have been a recipient of what you didn’t deserve, it is a good time for you to change how your world functions today.

Sometimes being your own parent is the only way to have the parents you wanted.

Fire your friends!

If your school friends keep dragging you down and pulling you back and make you feel bad about ‘growing too fast’, fire them!

You grow up.
And pick a path that your friends don’t want.
They want to stay where they are.
They want to be comfortable.
You don’t want to. It’s okay!
You are doing NOTHING wrong.

It’s not being a culprit. Nor is it being selfish.
It is simply being aware. And respecting yourself.

If your friends don’t get to see that, perhaps it’s time you get to see that they aren’t friends any more. Don’t feel guilty for not wanting them in your life.

Biggest mistake I made as a founder

Over-indexing on intelligence is one of the biggest mistakes I made while hiring as a founder.

Smart people are so used to being smart that they keep solving problems. Moving from one to another.

Start-ups equally require people who persist.

Who’d love to do just one thing

The most precious gift

Listening to someone without judgement is the most precious gift you can give to that person.

No one else could walk your path.
When you accept this, you turn off your blinders.
And listen to the person talking to you, instead of figuring out how to give them solutions.

Everyone knows their solutions.
What people are looking for is validation.

Validation comes from not judging what they say.
Which is the last thing we do. And the first thing we must

Risk, and the ultimate failure

Risk and failure are a state of mind.
There are no measurement scales for them.
We create them.
So, we can destroy them too.
We are not naturally trained to love ourselves.
Learning how to do so is this journey called life.

Is reaching a certain goal the only measure of success?
What about the life lessons learnt?
How about the struggles endured?
What about the person you become in this journey of ‘risks and failures’?

Learning to love yourself, irrespective of the result, is true success.
That’s true risk.

Giving up on yourself is the ultimate failure.

Everything else, including the numbers, is secondary.
Training yourself to love yourself is the powerful primary process.

Time and money

No one owes you their time and money. And you don’t owe anyone either.

It’s the mark of a cool human to understand people’s respect for their time and money.
It’s the mark of a wise human to respect their own.

This makes us not feel guilty for saying no.
This also makes us understand when someone says no to us.

It’s the mark of a wisely easy human to know that it’s okay to not owe your time and money to anyone and be absolutely (untouched) okay with it.

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