
Words. Wisdom. Winners.


There is a wariCrew Anonymous Form in my team – where anyone can ask me any questions, without sharing their name.

It helps me (and a lot others) – by knowing the questions that are there on the minds of others.
Helps everyone see my response.
And the person who wants to retain anonymity, retains so!


Care about the truth. Not the source of it.

I’m a teacher

I am usually quite happy when people find my content repetitive. 

Hear me out.

I am a teacher.
My job is to teach a grade, a way of thinking, and establish a foundation.
Think of it like a curriculum.

If at any point of time my content sounds repetitive to you, then congratulations, you have graduated!
You should now move on to a higher grade of learning.
Expand your world, beyond what I have to offer. 

For me, I intend to speak about the same things again and again.
There are 300M Indians who will join the workforce this decade.
I am creating for them.

When they find the one thing they had been looking for, and that helps them make better decisions in life, the teacher would have appeared :)

True meaning of success

This is one of my favourite real-life stories from my life.

Several years back, I used to take a course at an MBA school.

And the final exam of that course was:

“List at least 3 things you have learnt from this course”

Over 4 years, some 120 students took this exam.
And if it were me, I would pass only 6 of them. 

How does one “fail” such an exam?

The reason was because everyone except those 6 students listed EXACTLY 3 things they learnt in the course.

When my question was “List AT LEAST 3 things that you have learnt from this course.”

I tricked the students into believing a definition of success that I created for them – List 3 and you are successful.

And they stopped at that.
Stopped at the minimum expected from us.

That is what the world does to us EVERYDAY.

Our parents, our partners, our bosses, our friends, the world – is constantly asking us to get “just this done” in order to be successful.

We do it and “feel” successful.

We never stopped to ask ourselves – what does success mean to ME?

Do you know what success means to you?

Good things are boring

To commit to the same process every day.

To show up and work out daily.
To eat healthy daily.
To create content daily.
To smile in the mirror.
To dust yourself off after failing.

The snazzy things don’t give results. Boring things do. Which is a snazzy realisation.

Truths of life

  1. Even if you trust someone fully, do not tell them everything.
  2. Your partner will determine everything in your future life. Pick one wisely.
  3. Companies do not think about you while hiring, they think of what they can get. Thus, always helps to have selfish objective while joining a job.
  4. Money is not everything, but it is truly a lot.
  5. Money magnifies who you are. Does not change you.

Which one of these you agreed with the most?

No relationship will make you happy

Only you will make yourself happy.

Your choices. Your thoughts. Your actions. Only those will make you happy.

You may be surrounded by the best of people yet feel toxic, if you give them the responsibility to keep them happy.

You are your 100% responsibility. This will make everyone happy. Starting with you.

Happy graduation :)

I am usually quite happy when people find my content repetitive.

Hear me out.

I am a teacher.
My job is to teach a grade, a way of thinking, and establish a foundation.
Think of it like a curriculum.

If at any point of time my content sounds repetitive to you, then congratulations, you have graduated!
You should now move on to a higher grade of learning.
Expand your world, beyond what I have to offer.

For me, I intend to speak about the same things again and again.
There are 300M Indians who will join the workforce this decade.
I am creating for them.

When they find the one thing they had been looking for, and that helps them make better decisions in life, the teacher would have appeared :)

Happy New Year!

If I could give you just one message for your New Year, it would be this:

Want to publish a book?
Don’t set that goal. Instead, set a habit of writing everyday.

Want to lose weight?
Don’t set a weight goal. Instead, set a habit of working out everyday.

Want to get a great job?
Don’t set a job goal. Instead, set a habit of connecting with people on LinkedIn and Twitter everyday

And that is why, the best thing you can do for yourself in 2022 is to NOT set a resolution or a goal or a target.

Instead, set a habit.
Promise yourself and commit yourself to a habit.

And then see the magic of habits take over!

Here’s to getting epic shit done in 2023! Wish you all a very Happy New Year!!


We become what we do everyday. 

True for perfection.
True for complaining.

True for showing up relentlessly.
True for slacking around.

True for writing a page daily.
True for scrolling mindlessly.

True for procrastinating.
True for showing up to do the hard things.

True for everything that is important to us.
True for everything that is not important to us.

We become what we do everyday.

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