
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

Is it possible to be sad and happy?

You hate your job.
But you have a wonderful family life.
And you tell yourself that your life is balanced. 

But is that even possible? 

Can we be a totally different person in our work, from our personal life?
Is it possible to feel fulfilled with family if our work hours are stressed out? 

Humans do not live in different boxes.
Our life, our happiness (and lack of it) is one indivisible whole.

A year from now…

We want to build that product.
Create a community of like-minded people.
Change the way things work. 

But there is a lack of time.
Or we are not sure if the idea will succeed. 

What will people say if we fail?
How will we ever know the result until we do the work? 

Intentions hold power only when they’re backed by actions.
Otherwise, they’re the lies we are hypnotizing ourselves with. 

A year from now you will wish you had started today.

Circumstances don’t cause pain

You felt intense pain.
You wanted to escape.
It really hurt. 

And in all that, it was easy to blame circumstances.
Except that circumstances were not to be blamed. 

If circumstances brought us pain, how is it that different people handle their pain differently? 

The hurt that we felt because of the circumstances was because the hurt was always there. Circumstances only brought them to the forefront. 

Circumstances don’t cause pain.
They reveal them.

The three-step formula to learn anything

Here’s a small yet effective three-step formula to learn anything.

Observe: When we see others doing something, our brain creates a picture of it. 

Do: Execution is the mother of motivation. 

Teach: The teacher never forgets. Sharing what you have is the best way to keep it with yourself forever.

The secret to speaking effectively

Thoughts occur at rattling speed. 

We can’t speak clearly.
We fumble, stammer or ramble. 

Is this what happens when you start presenting your point of view? 

Could be an interview.
An office presentation.
A family gathering. 

Here is what helps to speak effectively:

Because writing is slow.
We cannot write as fast as we think.
So when we write, we find a way to pace our thoughts.
We find a way to get into a rhythm. 

The best way to express your thoughts clearly, is to write your thoughts before you speak.

Want to be loved unconditionally?

We want to be accepted for who we are.
To be loved despite our flaws.
To be loved unconditionally by everyone – partners, friends, family. 

But do we offer them unconditional love?
Or does our love come with a bag full of conditions? 

How will we ever receive anything good if we don’t offer it wholeheartedly ourselves? 

The best way to be unconditionally loved is to love unconditionally.

There’s no one like you!

Why do we make kids mug up information?
What is the outcome of this? 

What if we taught them the uniqueness they possess?
That there is sheer joy in being themselves without any pressure.
That there is a brilliant opportunity of creating anything we want. 

That there is power in letting ourselves evolve into whatever we want. 

A relationship did not work out?

You started something new.
You were not treated well.
Promises were broken.
And sooner than you knew, you were asked to leave.
For no fault of yours. 

Could happen in a professional relationship.
Could happen even in a personal relationship. 

As difficult as it may seem, start with stopping to blame.
Neither you, nor them. 

Till the time we keep pointing fingers, we won’t get centred.
It would simply compound our misery. 

And when we stop pointing fingers, ask ourselves: “What is this trying to tell me?” What is this situation trying to tell me? What can I know about myself that I didn’t know before? 

The best thing that comes out of a bad experience are great lessons.

Settle for vitamins? Or antibiotics?

When we consume antibiotics, we need them.
Right now!

We don’t need vitamins right now.
If we consume them though, we may not need antibiotics in the future.

Good books, thoughtful conversations, observing and learning, are vitamins. 

We don’t need them right now. However, if we have them, we may not need to have the urgent need for antibiotics in the future.

A vitamin a day keeps antibiotics away!

Not getting affected by criticism

How to not get affected by criticism?

Is it even possible to not overthink it?

Whenever we are affected by criticism, an important reminder to ask ourselves is – how do we feel when the opposite happens? How do we feel when we hear praise?

Because if we feel really good when someone appreciates us, we unconsciously hand over the remote control to our emotions. That remote control will determine our state of mind for good and for the bad.

To not get affected by criticism, start with not getting affected by praise.

Calmness is power.

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