
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

Are you a nerd?

Answer by Ankur Warikoo:

For 5 years I maintained a daily written log of how I spent my day, hour by hour. Thus calculating the efficiency ratio – percentage of my day spent on "efficient stuff". Aim was to increase that by 10% yoy

Until I met my girlfriend (and current wife) I used to wear cream pants with cream shirts!

I have written my masters thesis on excel! I make presentations on excel as much as I can!

I cried endlessly in high school when I realized that I had got the cube root of 5 wrong, spoiling a 3-mark question completely. I scored 97%!

I also cried when I couldn't (till the last hour) manage a pass to a Stephan Hawking talk in Delhi, when several other lesser mortals (people who wanted to hear a computer talk) had got one!

I have a masters in astrophysics.

I don't think I remain a nerd anymore! :(

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What is your best photograph?

I am somehow proud of this answer the most!

Answer by Ankur Warikoo:

Photography, for me, is the perfect way to define life. No matter what the situation, what the lighting, who/what the subject and what the surroundings, there will always be a frame that will be perfect in the eyes of who shoots it!

And thus….

There are shots which are still – they don't move – they just wait to be captured

And then there are shots that invited you for that precise moment, not a second before, not a second later!

And then some that were a little generous and waited for you to capture their magnificence!

There are shots that laughed and cried with you…

And shots that let you draw your own emotions!

Shots that say nothing at all…

And the BEST shot – which says it all!

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Tears in Heaven

Nani does yesterday. She was 93. And very pretty. I have fond memories from childhood with her – as the force that kept the entire family together. She suffered a lot in the past month and I am happy she went away peacefully in her sleep.

It was the first time I touched a dead body. It’s the strangest feeling ever. Half expecting “it” to wake up and start talking – you look at the same face that you have for so long. And wonder how it can be so lifeless. The cremation is the toughest part for me, always. The last time – THE LAST TIME – you will see that body ever again. A very hard moment to deal with.

Girl died this morning. Every morning since the day she was raped, I felt this anger reading the news. Wondering what can be done to not let this happen in the future. The answer is not obvious in my head.

I am sure they will meet each other, up there! I am sure they will like each others company.

Beyond the door there’s peace I’m sure
And I know there’ll be no more tears in heaven

Seeking sponsorships

Ever since our TV Campaigns went off, the deluge of sponsorship emails has been uncanny. However, what came in today, caught my attention. I rarely respond to such emails unless they catch my attention in the right manner. This one did too, though not for the right reasons


Original Email

edited <>
7:53 PM (11 minutes ago)

to marketing
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: edited <>
Date: 23 December 2012 19:47
Subject: Fwd: sponsorship proposal


this is a proposal for sponsorship of our event .since your facility is best yet in this competitive world we all need advertising .it will be a great hon-our for our society to be associated with  our society.since your target audience and that of ours is same we must look forward to this collaboration.
And this was my response
Dear edited

If you had wished to get responses from your email, you have succeeded. However, if you had wished to get a positive response, you will have to try a lot harder.
In the not so distant past, I was a student of Hindu College Physics Department, looking for sponsorship for our annual festival – Quarks.
And here is what I realized, which I think will be important for you too
  1. Writing an email, is an art. Never forward an email, unless absolutely necessary.
  2. Make the email personal, especially if you are writing in for the first time. A quick 5 minutes search would have told you who the head of marketing, or the head of the organization is. Address the email to them. Name them in your email. This goes a long way!
  3. All emails should be 100% accurate in grammar. Else they lose respect, even if they were truly genuine. You are from one of the best colleges at DU and I would expect the highest standards of written vocabulary from such a student
  4. Last, but not the least – realize that you are asking someone for their money. This money has most likely been earned through a lot of hard work. Establish why this money will be best utilized, when you ask for it. There are 100 other colleges and 100 other avenues, of spending this money. So why you. A document cannot answer that. You can!
Sorry for the unsolicited advice. But I wish someone had done that when I was young and learning. I just hope I am of help, but if I an not – dont bother! What I say is most likely not important! :)
All the best with edited!
I am sure he will end up fine. And this advice will not make or break his life. But it is a bit disturbing that a student during his graduation believes that an email such as this would have served his purpose.

What the surgery taught me

I ran yesterday – for the first time in 8 months. It hurt, quite a bit. The leg is clearly weak and reminds you that natural healing doesn’t happen overnight.

However, I didn’t tell anyone that it hurt. Because of which even I forgot about it after a couple of hours. And the day went just fine. As if I had never run!

And that’s been the biggest lesson for me – in the past 8 months. I don’t know if the surgery was a major one or not. I don’t know how many people go through this AVN jazz. In my head, it was something that had happened to me and I had to get it sorted. Just like any other challenge that comes your way.

I didn’t amplify it. I didn’t talk about it a lot. And suddenly, even if it was supposed to be a big deal, it wasn’t! People took it normally. Most forgot about it. Most didn’t even realize that something that happened.

It was as if I altered the truth, through my perception. I changed how the world (and I) would react to a situation – by changing it in my head. And it worked!

No one offers their sympathies. No one says, “sorry to hear about the surgery”. Which they would have perhaps, had I made it a big deal in my head. Had I perceived the situation to be worthy of sympathy in my head.

I have always been impressed by the power of the human mind. This entire experience just reaffirms that belief.

I ran today too. It didn’t hurt one bit!

The 30-Day Acknowledgement

If there is one thing that life after ISB has made me realize, it’s that work will never stop. I am a workaholic, I love my work and work always assumes priority over most other things.

The unfortunate victims of this realisation become friends and family.

Hence this 30-day acknowledgement.

Over the next 30 days, I will pick up one individual everyday and send them an acknowledgement email. The individual will Ofcourse be someone whom I should have stayed in regular touch with, perhaps am already, but I don’t really take out the time to express myself the way I should. And the acknowledgement will be for the good times we have spent together, the things I have learnt from the relationship and the things I miss.

I hope to get a part of myself back through this exercise. And say thanks to people who have had an influence on me.

Starting today….

What have you lost being an entrepreneur?

A regular pay check?
Company of people smarter than you?
Stability of a big firm?
Time with family?
Time with friends?
Time with books?
Time for yourself?
Your hobbies?
A mind free of thoughts?

And what have you gained instead?

A smart entrepreneur will always find a way to balance the losses and gains. For him, the losses don’t exist. They don’t happen. They are merely excuses by people who claim to be entrepreneurs but would have had these losses even if they weren’t!

Entrepreneurship isn’t an excuse to cut off from the world. It’s a choice. To control your losses.

Key challenges – the famous slide!

Fantastic anecdote by Ravi, while at Wipro.

Change of management – new head of sales is brought in. Super sharp. Direct. No nonsense

Meeting with top management. One gentleman presents a slide, with the title “Key challenges”

New head stops the gentleman. “Whose challenges are these?”

“If you as top management cannot solve these challenges, you expect me to solve them for you?”


One of the biggest lessons I have learnt

Dont ask for anything, till you havent done all that you should have and could have! 

What is entrepreneurship

I was at ISB Mohali this weekend. Fantastic experience – lovely new campus, enthusiastic bunch of students, wonderful weather, the ISB touch visible all across! One of the clubs had invited me for a talk on entrepreneurship. And I found it best to summarize what it was about, by walking them through their own journey.

It was in March 2011 that I went to ISB Mohali to capture the progress of the construction in my lens. Visiting the campus in its (almost) end state was a perfect salute to the start of ISB Mohali’s entrepreneurial venture. The ISB is truly unlike anything else we have seen in the globe, when it comes to education! Mohali is the 2nd venture and poised for as grand a success as its first one!

What your customers will never tell you!

The Internet has a fundamental problem. You don’t get to meet your customers. They only call you or write in. And when they do so, they only share what they have been through. What they will never share, is how they feel!

Experience is factual. Can be described, can be written about, can be talked about.

Feeling is emotional. It can only be felt!

Which is why I would never rely on a telephonic interview.

Which is why I would, if it were to me, have a customer event, everyday!

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