Words. Wisdom. Winners.
True grace is how you say this word
Saying no to someone is supremely hard.
We are hard wired to belong – to a tribe, a community, a group.
And in the past saying no meant isolation. Perhaps even death.
And while saying no nowadays mostly doesn't come with a death certificate, the habit has stayed.
If I say no – I will not belong. I will hurt the person. A negative image of mine will be created.
Here is a reminder
When you say no – you say no to the request, not to the person.
True grace is refusing someone in a way they don't feel rejected
The one word sales people should be happy hearing, but they are not
Here are the 3 states for a potential customer
- Yes, I want your product/service
- Maybe
- No, I don’t want your product/service
Unfortunately, most sales people will rank these 3 states (in terms or desired outcome for them) as
- Yes
- Maybe
- No
When in my opinion, after a yes, the most desired outcome for any sales outfit should be
We don’t need your services right now
We don’t think you are right for the job
We already have something similar working for us
No, we can’t work with you for now
But we have been trained to not take no for an answer. Keep perusing.
Doesn’t work anymore
The best gift you can give yourself is to be so good that you get a yes or a no, right away.
“Maybe” is this false sense of hope.
Can I meet you in person to explain in more detail?
Can we give you a free trial instead to see if it changes your mind?
Can I explain the benefits once more
All in hope!
The hit rate of this approach is far far lesser than if you were to come back with a fresh new product/service for the same customer or pursue new customers.
Because sales organizations are so poor at accepting a no, customers are incentivized to keep lying and give this false sense of hope.
Imagine the total value of all hot, warm and cold leads in the sales funnels of the world today
And the waste of human effort that goes into pursuing it.
As a sales professional, learn how to take NO as a closure.
A sign to move on. To improve the product or sell the same product to someone else.
And as a customer, force yourself to say no as soon as you realize it.
Don’t linger
Reaching out to the same customer with the same product everyday and expecting a yes from a maybe, is insanity!
3 steps to take even the hardest decisions in life
Step 1
Advice is what you seek when you know the answer but you wish you didn’t.
All of you have choices when taking decisions.
And one of those choices is our preferred one.
We know of it.
If we were to toss a coin, we would find ourselves wishing for that option’s side to show up.
So stop lying and identify the choice that you wish to go for
Step 2
Humans tend to overestimate the pain we feel and underestimate the happiness we experience
Once you have identified the choice, imagine yourself going for the choice
And imagine the worst case scenario once you have taken the choice
The worst possible scenario that you could find yourself in
Step 3
Getting comfortable with your loss is far more valuable than getting excited about your gains
See if you can make yourself comfortable with the worst case scenario
Do not try to mitigate it. That destroys the logic.
Instead assume the worst will happen and then see how would you feel, how would you react
If you find yourself ok with this scenario, go for it.
Else, the other option it is.
As humans, we tend to calm down a lot more if we are aware of the worst, than if we dream about the best!
Its not red pill vs blue pill. Rather why the pill
Blue pill:
Restart your life 10 years back, with all the knowledge you know today
Red pill:
Fast forward to 50 years with $10Mn in your bank account
People judge you based on the choice you make. Rarely questioning why you made the choice.
You could realize you haven’t learnt enough, and thus the red pill.
Or even with what you know you won’t be able to get to $10mn by 50 and thus the red pill.
You could realize $10Mn is nothing for you at 50 and you want a shot at more. Thus the blue pill.
Or the journey is more important to you than the destination and thus the blue pill.
The pill you take doesn’t define you. The reason does
The decisions you take in life don’t define you. The reasons behind those decisions do.
Those 3 words that are not said enough
Here is a random prediction
There are more meaningless “I love you” being spoken as of this moment, than all meaningful and meaningless “I need help”
People don’t seek help.
From other people. From books. From videos. From content. From life.
There is a misplaced sense of pride that stops them
Pride will make you afraid.
Pride will make you feel powerful when you are not.
Pride will force you to not learn.
Pride will ask you to not ask.
For help.
Everytime I pretend to be smart and in control, I learn nothing.
Every time I ask (for help), I learn a lot.
Every time I say “I need help” someone helps.
I just don’t say it too often
Pride has left more people alone, than loneliness ever will.
Do you have a functional team?
Every professional team is characterized by 2 core aspects
Knowledge (/skills) and values
And through this you can create a management consultant’s dream tool – a 2×2 matrix
So there are 4 kinds of people who could be on your team
1. Don’t have the same knowledge and don’t share the same values
These are usually not part of the team. Even if they creep in, they are easy to find and get picked out.
2. Have the same knowledge and share the same values
As rare as they are, these are the ones that truly move organizations forward. These are the team members everyone craves for
3. Have the same knowledge but don’t share the same values
Super super dangerous. Because here is the deal about knowledge and values
Knowledge is acquired
Values are adopted
And the minute one of the team members acquires more knowledge than the other, the gap in values makes this knowledge gap even harsher. To the point that it can’t be even explained.
I can’t code better than you but I will steal code to make myself better
I am a better sales guy than you and I will bribe my customers to always stay ahead
I am better with people than you are, so I will manipulate them to agree to me
4. Don’t have the same knowledge but share the same values
The tribe you should be looking for.
The way all hiring should be done
The quadrant based on which teams should be built
I can’t code better than you so I would love for you to review my code for me
I am a better sales person than you, so come along and we will close together
I am better with people than you are – let me tell you how
I am not as good as you, but I will seek your help to become better
From now on, whenever you meet your colleagues, question which quadrant do you fall in
And ask yourself, what can I do, if at all, to move us to the quadrant of same knowledge and values.
If you can’t, then move yourself or the person out of the team!
If your job has a low probability of fucking up, then these 3 predictions are important for you
Here are 3 predictions for the future
- People entering the workforce today will most likely never die (from natural causes). Some of them might move to Mars
- In a decade or so, we will be hiring computers with the right culture. Do they speak the language we speak and operate by values we live by
- Humans will cease to exist on payroll. Talent will become on demand and officespace as a concept will become obsolete
So if your job today has a low probability of fuck up or the impact of your fuck up is non material – get out of that job!
Because these are the first jobs that will be taken away
In the future, humans will do jobs that are extremely prone to fuck ups. That requires a human to take a call. Despite limited data, through emotions, gut, analysis. Matched with the ability to imagine the future.
It’s called judgement, today
It will be called “being human” tomorrow
What would you do differently?
I was interacting with a bunch of ISB admits for the next batch. All high IQ, academic achievers who will spend 2 years working before joining ISB.
Understandably all of them had questions around – does ISB help in the long term, will it help beyond consulting, will it help in international positions, is it going to help shift industries
I answered most of these to the best of my knowledge
And then I told them – consider this possibility – there is a VERY HIGH CHANCE that none of you will ever die.
You will not die a natural death.
There is enough advancement happening, and at a crazy pace, that within your lifetimes we will figure out a way to not let the cells die
There is also a very high chance that some of you may live on Mars
Now ask these questions again!
We all get so consumed by the short term, by the immediate, by the urgent – that we fail to appreciate what lies ahead
And how most of what we are doing have little or no bearing on how our life will pan itself out
Heck, if we were to never die and live on Mars, even the definition of long term acquires a new meaning.
Ask yourself – how can a decision that you take when you are in your 20s going to have any material impact if you are to live beyond 100
And then ask yourself – what questions should I ask, for a life that is never going to end?
The worst motivational quote ever!
What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail
What a fucked up quote!
It’s impossible to not fail.
Not everything that you make will have the world submit itself and hail you as their king.
Not every product you make will be loved
Not every test you take will have you score the highest or succeed
Not every person you love will love you back equally
Not every step you take will always be in the right direction
It’s utterly foolish, almost irresponsible to suggest this
Because here is the deal
We don’t fear failing
We fear people
We fear their reactions
And we fear how we will feel once we witness those reactions
We fear shame
We fear ego
We fear being banished
We fear being laughed at
We fear not getting another chance to win
What would you attempt to do if you knew no one would react if you failed
The one thing that differentiates managers and leaders
Being a manager is hard work.
Seriously hard work.
You have to manage your team, achieve goals, manage expectations, communicate bad news, spend time on hiring, retaining, motivating, firing.
It is seriously hard work
Yet somehow, everyone wishes to become one.
There is something appealing about being a manager. Being called a manager.
And with being a manager comes higher responsibility.
A bigger team to manage
A bigger area to control
More decision making powers
More influence
A bigger span of influence
And everyday, I see people seeking this influence.
Asking for more and more responsibility
For bigger teams
For more control
Rarely, do I find people asking for more accountability
Make me accountable for a bigger goal
Make me accountable for a larger purpose
Make me accountable for higher target
Make me accountable for the development of my team and my own learning
The next time you ask for a raise or a promotion, ask yourself why didn’t you instead ask for a higher target instead?
Managers seek more and more responsibility for themselves. Leaders demand more and more accountability for themselves
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