Pick one

Here are my favorite interviews questions 1. Speed or perfection? 2. Spontaneous or calculative? 3. Money or power? 4. Starting things or finishing things? 5. Institute or course? Neither of them have a right or wrong answer. But here is the worst response –...

A course on people management?

A conversation with Ankur Singla this weekend set me thinking. The hardest part about running a company are not the technical issues. Most of those are binary. Capability and  perseverance will get you there. If something doesn’t work,  you find the...

One task – One goal

Imagine designing a customer survey. You want to know what your customers think of your product. And while you are at it,  you might as well ask them their age,  gender,  email. Perhaps get them to even upload a selfie,  so that the best one gets a prize. ...

Who designed the rules around you?

Show me a successful person who has been a conformist in his life And I will show you an unsuccessful person who calls himself successful Look around you The rules have been laid out by people who are no smarter than you Challenge then Change...

Buying respect

If you are a business or P&L owner, here is a piece of advice you will thank me for When speaking to your vendors, employees, ex-employees, agencies and everyone else who you will owe money – you should be the worst negotiator on earth. Squeeze them off the...