Don’t get comfortable!

Comfort is a trap. Getting out of that trap is real success. How to know if we are challenging our comfort zone? By asking ourselves the question: “Is there a high probability of success when we do something?” If yes, we are getting comfortable. If not, we are on the...

What goals don’t give us

It’s a wonderful goal to lose 10kgs in 3 months. Or to make sure you get promoted this year. Or to find the love of your life within a year. However we don’t have a basis for setting that goal.. And if we don’t reach the goal, we call ourselves a failure. An alternate...

Same same, but different

A great way to ace video interviews is to have a customised background. The background is a function of whom you are interacting with. If the interviewer is a risk-taker, let the background define yourself that way. If the interviewer is risk-averse, let the...

Freedom with “free” time

Free time is something we all should make room for, in our days. Not on days when there are less items to cross. Rather every day, even on the busiest ones. Read books. Practise a skill you are inclined towards. Or just do nothing and be alone. It is not time wasted....

What we “should” do

We should stop feeling bad. We should stop feeling hurt over what’s over. We should stop feeling regretful. This is the advice we get when we are going through a negative emotion. While this is what we know we should do, it is exactly what we are unable to do. We want...

Bad people are not bad people

If we do not consume alcohol, our default response is to believe the ones consuming it are bad people. If we do not party on weekends, our default response is to believe the ones doing so are bad people. If we do not believe in relationships before marriage, our...