Making friends while working from home

With getting out of homes almost impossible for us in 2020, we wonder how to meet new people and be friends with them. By meaningfully engaging with people’s content.Could also be of an influencer.Commenting just with the intention of giving, nothing else. Over a...

You’ve changed!

You’ve changed.You are not the same as you used to be. Do you know of that person who says this to everyone? A true friend will never tell you: “You’ve changed.”Because people who really care about you, evolve with you. Together.

One word that defines success

Success – we all chase it.Sometimes we get it. Sometimes it gets us.However, all success comes down to one common factor: saying no. Saying no to binge watching on free Netflix.Saying no to going out because you have to sleep on time.Saying no to desserts...

The relationship with time

I have a wonderful relationship with time.A place where 3/4ths of it is spent in “important” tasks.And that’s a privilege, because time is the most important asset. However, taking advantage of your time is equally important.Which means exploring in your 20’s,...

Do you hate what you do?

You’re earning good money.You have access to expensive restaurants.Even people see how far you have come. There is one problem though: You are not happy!.You hate what you do, but don’t have the courage to do what you love.  What if you spoke to that one person...

Is it advisable to play it safe?

Our parents love to invest in FDs?Because an assured return is better than the volatility of stocks.What if the market tanks? These are several reasons why people invest their hard earned money in safe assets. Unmindful of the costs of inflation and taxes, thereby...