Words. Wisdom. Winners.
Why should you read books?
The world tells you that you should read more often to become more aware.
Which is true.
I, btw, have a different question:
Why would you want to commit the mistakes that have already been committed? Why not learn the lessons from them even before committing them?
Books do exactly that.
They lay open life truths just like a true friend would.
They let us go into a world of deep possibilities when the world around us wants to addict us to failure probabilities.
They are there for us, when no one else could be there for us.
More than any return an asset could give, one line in one book is more than enough to give you 1000X return on investment. Why wouldn’t anyone do that?
Team retreat
Every 6 months, my team and I go to an offsite location, and we chill together.
We eat, play, party, and have fun.
Why do we do that?
Because it strengthens team camaraderie, helps us get closer to each other, and helps in forming friendships that last beyond our job descriptions.
Total fun. No pressure. Just letting ourselves flow.
The last thing companies should focus on, is only work. True work is often beyond core work.
The only thing we want the most yet resist it the most.
Change, is so powerful, in so many ways that we shouldn’t wish otherwise.
If it is an unwanted change, it shows us the things we were attached to, that we had to let go of.
If it is an anticipated change, it shows us how much more we can go.
Change has the power to make us powerful, or to rob us of our power. We get to decide. Every single time.
The real wealth
Most people think money is the litmus test of having true wealth.
I won’t disagree. Money is a huge part of wealth.
Except, that it’s only a part.
The bigger picture that comprises true wealth consists of ability to live life on your own terms, ability to say no to things that are not important, family time, and amidst all this, feeling fulfilled at the end of the day. Money helps in getting all of this.
Money is a means, not an end to wealth.
The best content strategy
How to figure out the best content strategy?
How do you know whether a content piece would work or not?
How do we arrive at a conclusion of following a set of actions and our content strategy would be taken care of?
We can’t.
Content, by definition, is an evolving game.
A platform rewards something, other rewards something else, a third one rewards neither.
The only thing we can control in our content strategy, is to use the data to our advantage, constantly be learning, and making sure that we don’t do things because “this is how we have always done them.”
How to grow as a content creator?
Instead of a fluff, here is the truth:
- Show up to work.
- Show up to work.
- Show up to work even when you don’t feel like!
And good things have a habit of showing up, when you never give up the habit of showing up to do the difficult (and the right ) things.
Why you love my personal finance content
Why you think I make nice personal finance videos: Because maybe that’s what I did in my 20s.
Why I actually make personal finance videos: Because I’ve made HUGE blunders in my life, that I don’t want you all to make.
Mistakes can be wonderful, if we choose to use them, instead of them using us.
I wanna be me!
Two-three years back, I asked my son, now 11, as to what did he want to become when he grew up.
I want to be me.
This was his response, that totally took me aback, by how manufactured a life we adults are living.
“You’re the only one of you, baby that’s the fun of you…” says Taylor Swift.
In a world where you can be anyone, being yourself is the real flex. And not losing that in the process, priceless!
Be like water, my friend..:
Life happens. Change happens. Status quo is challenged.
Whenever (not if, because change is the only constant) that happens, we have two choices:
- Resist it.
- Accept it.
The beautiful and sad part of life is change will anyway happen. When we resist it, it ends up resisting us. When we accept it, it accepts us even more.
Be like water, my friend; said Muhammad Ali
Hard work is not the answer
Even donkeys work hard.
Doing the hard work in the right direction is what gives real answers.
Are you automating your repeated tasks?
Are you bringing down the failure rate?
Are you even aware of your failure points?
Sometimes, success is all about asking the right questions. And failing at newer and better things.
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