Words. Wisdom. Winners.
“I wanted to pursue this course but now it doesn’t make me happy.
But I loved this, so doing anything else won’t make me happy either.”
This is a standstill most people arrive at, and they believe it is just that they don’t like it.
While the truth is, that the middle of everything is going to be messy.
Things would look stagnant, self doubt will arise and others’ success will generate massive self doubt in you.
What helps in such situations is, having cognizance of daily progress and having a set schedule of habits that help you get there.
When goals give up, process and progress protect you.
It is one of the best addictions humans have had and the addiction that saves so many dreams of humans.
The path of resistance
“No one has done this before.
You should do what everyone else is doing.
Don’t colour outside the lines.”
Ever since we began to understand language, we have been given instructions on what to do!
Except that we were rarely told why.
Because of which it never made sense.
Why not do what makes sense to us?
Why not live our own path?
It is going to be difficult to resist the world, however, you wouldn’t be a photocopy of what anyone else ought to be.
And that’s priceless!
Your life path is yours for a reason: for you to not be a template of anyone else’s.
Eliminating competition
Competition could sometimes get bad.
And suck a lot of our valuable energy.
What we were supposed to expend on ourselves is now going towards bringing others down, even if unconsciously.
What if we focussed only on our journey?
Even if others were in the same range, what if we put blinders on and never peeped into someone else’s track?
The energy that is going to be saved is phenomenal.
What we expend on ourselves will help us even further.
To get to a place of zero competition, it never fails to be you.
Because everyone else is already taken!
Solitude and solutions
“Why am I feeling this way?
Why am I sad?
Why am I angry?
What am I perpetually disturbed about?”
When we sit and think about the answers to these questions, we get a step closer to knowing our motivations.
The awareness of why we feel what we feel, makes the feeling less necessary, less needed, and over time less effective.
Over time, we know ourselves through our feelings. In solitude we find our answers.
In tagging along with the world, we are mostly left alone.
Choosing struggle
If we choose a path that we resist, we know that we will struggle.
However, even if we choose a path that we love, we can still struggle.
Struggle is a constant; it promotes us to the next level.
The question is, is the next level the one that we have chosen?
When struggle is a part of life, why not choose the one that will make us grow?
Calm and passionate
“She comes across as a calm kid. Must be lacking passion.”
Except that she has so much of it that she doesn’t need to prove her mettle by being boastful of it.
The greatest achievement in life is having great achievements and not feeling the need to show them.
It requires inner strength, self belief and zero need for validation.
In other words, it requires us to be calm.
Calmness is fire transformed into action; it is not the lack of it.
Scaling up leadership
When we say, “All good things take time”, we mean it for us as individuals.
Love, finances, family, individual success.
Almost every time we miss out on how good leadership is formed: by devoting a lot of time.
As an organisation scales, if it gets easy to manage people, then the leader is almost always doing it wrong.
People are not data points, they are human beings that thrive on empathy and being heard.
Thus, a good leader will devote time to people and make it a point to engage with them. Caring doesn’t happen occasionally; it is bred in the culture of the organisation.
Delegation of leadership does not amount to leadership.
Good leadership, like all good things, takes time and effort.
At home or at peace?
Maybe you had a traumatic childhood.
Perhaps you can never be positive because everyone in your family is negative and toxic.
Or maybe fights at home are your daily alarm clocks.
In such cases, you may wonder how to find yourself and your happiness back?
By getting financially independent and moving out of your home.
Home is not where you were born into.
Family is not where you were born into.
Home and family are where you belong, where you can be you, where you can be vulnerable and where love and acceptance are staples.
Moving out does not mean you do not love your family.
It rather means that you will be able to love them only when you love yourself first.
If being “in the home” doesn’t help, moving out certainly would.
Our work and grapevines
In almost every organisation, there are grapevines.
People who think how work should be done, how others are doing it, and how it serves as a platform for them to gossip.
The sad part is, sometimes it affects the people who aren’t a part of that grapevine.
It leads them into believing that their worth is determined by how cool they are to be a part of that group.
Except, that’s false.
Our worth is determined by what we control, our input, that is our work.
What others think is something we can never control.
A great way to level up is to remind yourself what you can control.
Somehow, everything else you cannot control loses its importance.
Entrepreneurship as a choice
“I want to start a startup because I am tired of my boss.
Just can’t wait to have no boss ever!”
This is almost always the incorrect reason to venture into entrepreneurship.
Everyone is answerable to someone, including the CEOs of top companies.
Entrepreneurship is hardly about owning a company.
It’s about our mindset even when we have a job.
Do we wait to be instructed?
Do we wait for someone else to take the lead or do we lead others by example?
Do we want others to win or is it just a sole game?
Entrepreneurship is not a profession.
It is a state of mind.
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