Words. Wisdom. Winners.
3 of my life mantras
- I know myself fully well, and that’s enough.
- Happiness is the most important thing.
- Habits work wonders!
The chase of happiness
What if you know happiness isn’t a chase, it is a choice?
Which means you can feel it right away, even in the middle of a hustle.
Which is the most beautiful thing about happiness.
Happiness isn’t a destination. It is a companion, by choice.
Exponential Returns
- Having good habits
- Reflecting on your failures
- Being your own best friend
We don’t need big things to get big returns. Small actions do more than that.
5 Truths Of Life No One Told You
- You forgive for yourself. Not for them.
- Being on time is how you respect yourself.
- No one knows you as much as you do.
- No one is conspiring against you.
- You will be fine :)
Picking the right career
Picking a career is hard.
However, when you treat it similar to dating, it becomes much easier.
And I love it. Why?
The way to get married to your passion is not to settle with the first one you like.
The way is to date as many passions as you can, spend some time with them, and then pick the one you think is right for you.
But that doesn’t mean quitting your job.
If you quit your job to pursue your passion, you will put the pressure on your passion to make money from Day 1 itself – something that will eventually kill it.
Because now you won’t enjoy doing it, you will HAVE to do it.
The right technique doesn’t force you.
The right technique flows through you, with patience.
Career lessons
Few incredible lessons for your career:
1. Early in your career, you get paid for what you can do.
Later on, you get paid for what you know.
2. Write your emails assuming they will be read by everybody.
3. There’s no such thing as “I can’t”.
Either you don’t want to. Or you need help.
4. Don’t be in a hurry to create impact.
Be in a hurry to learn.
5. Early on in your career, pick a job where you learn the most, irrespective of the money.
Learning compounds faster than money!
6. Nothing makes you more indispensable, than doing what you committed to do, without anyone needing to check on you.
7. In the end, every role boils down to how you deal with people.
Every manager should know this
As a manager, you are a celebrity, whether you like it or not.
Every word you speak will be analyzed, every action of yours will be reproduced, every standard you allow will set a new standard.
Think of how you speak, how you act and the standards you accept.
What a manager does knowingly or unknowingly, their team does that knowingly as a norm.
5 Rules for Life
Over the past 12 years of entrepreneurship, I have:
- Raised millions in funding
- Managed to startup again after being fired
- Shared company profits with the team consistently
All of these things have taught me a tremendous amount about what matters in life, and what doesn’t.
These are my new 5 rules for life:
1. Creating Personal Wealth for me and my team
Best done through a bootstrapped startup, which is what I am building.
2. Building an institution where people love to come to work
Bean bags and free lunches are easy. To build a place where people would love to come to work, is the real game.
3. Creating content
I wish more people knew that someone somewhere is getting inspired because you decide to share your journey. You have a moral responsibility to share!
4. Leading people
One of the fundamental mistakes I made early on was to believe people didn’t want to be led. Wrong.
People want to be led. Not managed.
5. Telling the truth
I am a fervent truth seeker. And that is what I uphold for others.
Truth may not be the most pleasant thing to hear. But it certainly makes your life more pleasant by showing you the mirror.
What are your rules for life?
12 kinds of people
I often do not believe the predictions of Zodiac signs.
How could there be only twelve kinds of people in the world? And just one thing would come true for them?
Astrology is a science. What is predicted is on the basis of someone else’s alignment of stars. Might be true.
However, what is also true is: The actions we take. The thoughts we choose. The responses we pick.
Which all, in turn, create your destiny.
So go, go check your horoscope out. And then, forget about it just like you forget a good joke. And then go write your own destiny (while being grateful for all the luck you’ve been bestowed with).
Who do you love the most?
If the answer to it is not the person in the mirror, any other answer won’t be able to see that love from you.
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