Words. Wisdom. Winners.
“But I have already spent so much time doing this”
You do not like your job.
And you want to change it.
But you have spent years doing it.
Won’t all of that go to waste?
That isn’t the right question to ask.
Instead the right question is: “If I don’t make the move I want to make, what about the years ahead that would be wasted?”
The time spent commiting a mistake isn’t time wasted.
The realisation that it is a mistake stops it from getting wasted.
Feeling helpless in front of Karma?
What’s Karma?
It is the concept that we reap what we sow.
Our past determines our present.
What we see today is as a result of what we did in the past.
And that could be a helpless feeling.
I can’t change my past.
So that means, I cannot change what is happening to me.
What if we looked at Karma differently?
What we’ll do today will reflect in our future.
And that’s the power Karma gives us.
Karma gives us the biggest power – to do the right karma today.
And change our future.
When do we earn trust?
When are the times that trust is earned?
When we are supposed to show up, and we do?
Or instead – when there’s tension, uncertainty, ambiguity and we aren’t expected to show up?
Trust is earned when no one trusts us to show up and yet we do.
Is your kindness a problem?
You’ve been kind to people.
And some have betrayed you.
You’ve been giving 100% of yourself.
And some people have broken your trust.
Should you give up your kindness?
Maybe the thing to give up is that relationship.
Kindness didn’t cause you pain.
The person did.
Your kindness didn’t backfire.
The relationship did.
Your kindness isn’t the problem. It is the biggest superpower you have.
What could be the best advice?
We’re struggling hard.
To find the right piece of advice.
To find that one person who will give it to us.
However, we are always giving advice to others.
Telling them what to do.
What not to do.
How to think.
What if we gave that advice to ourselves?
What if we trusted our own advice for the decisions that are most important to us?
The advice that we are looking for, is the advice we already give.
Are you an influencer?
We are caught up in the influencer race.
Of more likes, comments and followers.
A hundred thousand.
Five hundred thousand.
Millions of them.
And we do not think of ourselves as an influencer, until these numbers do not show.
However, we become an Influencer not by the number of followers.
Rather, by the potential influence we have on the lives of people.
What if our thoughts could affect a few people’s day positively, each day?
An influencer isn’t defined by their follower count.
They are defined by the lives they touch.
Who is truly wise?
Whom do we call a wise person?
Is it someone who knows everything?
Someone who has strong convincing skills?
Someone who believes in what they say?
A wise person is someone who does what is right, without the intention of convincing others.
They do not care what people say about them.
They care about the impact they intentionally make.
They do not work to impress those around.
They do their own thing and let their brand be made from there.
When someone doesn’t feel the need to show they’re wise, they’re truly wise.
Are we cultivating liars?
Remember the time you did something wrong as a kid?
And instead of lying about it, you decide to own up and tell your parents about it?
However you got scolded, instead of being appreciated for speaking your truth
That becomes your worldview.
That is how you get to understand how the world works.
Are we doing the exact same thing to people around us?
By not appreciating someone for their vulnerability and truth, all we do is cultivate liars.
Ever continued to watch a boring Netflix series?
The first few episodes of the Netflix series are boring.
However, you still keep watching the series.
Because a friend told you to stay at it because it gets interesting eventually.
What if we treat our goals and our journey the same way?
Keep at them even when they are boring early on — because it gets interesting eventually?
Persistence isn’t a one-day miracle, it’s a conscious choice translated into habit.
What if a thief enters your house?
You wake up all of a sudden and catch a thief!
He has already filled up his bags with your stuff.
Would you allow them to carry even a spoon with them? A pen? A small matchstick?
No, right?
Then how is it that someone enters the abode of our happiness, takes it away and we let them?
How is it that people make us unhappy, and we let them?
Why do we give people the permission to decide our happiness?
Our happiness, just like the possessions in our home, is earned by us, is to be protected by us and nurtured by us.
We are both the generators and the guardians of our happiness.
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