Words. Wisdom. Winners.
Sourabh Usha Narang R.I.P
Interestingly, in an interview to a website in 2002, he was asked, “Where do you see yourself 10 years down the line?” Narang had replied, “Given the amount I smoke, I should be dead.”
If the smoke didnt take him down, something else did. Sourabh passed away on June 26th, after battling stomach cancer for more than 7 months, ever since it was discovered (on Nov 17th, ironically his birthday). An award winning film-maker, his entire life lay infront of him, which is what makes this loss even more tragic. He not only leaves behind memories of being the perfect son, husband, brother and professional but a lot of things undone that were waiting to be touched by him.
I find death as a rather (for lack of better words) fascinating…something. While most people leave this earth in a normal manner, some of them leave me baffled. Sourabh and his entire family travelled to Sri Lanka, in search for an alternate treatment to his cancer, when all other standard allopathic means had failed. He was already quite weak, maybe even knew that the end was near, and yet the journey was undertaken. Only to be his last. He died not in the country where he belonged, but miles away. As if he went there only for that! As if some previous birth unfinished business had to be taken care of!
Plus the interview above. I am sure he was fibbing about it, but was he really? Did he really know. Or even if he didnt, did someone else within him know? And make him speak?
When you lose people who had so much of talent and potential and who were one of the best humans you have met, it hurts a lot. A lot.
But he is gone…and now it remains for his family to muster the courage to live on. Time is a healer but it doesnt always heal fast. The time till then will not be easy!
Even though you couldnt fight the cancer, Bhaiya, I know you wanted to, till the last minute! You are a winner!
The iPhone 4 is here! First Impression: Fantastic!
Well, we all knew how it would eventually look, but we didn’t really know what to expect when it came to its functioning. We all know now!
I dont know how much Steve is involved in creating these videos, but the art of fantastic story-telling is excellent. Pixar hangover?
The official Apple iPhone 4 Video from the WWDC 2010
The Last Ten Percent
The last ten percent is the signal we look for, the way we communicate care and expertise and professionalism. If all you’re doing is the standard amount, all you’re going to get is the standard compensation. The hard part is the last ten percent, sure, or even the last one percent, but it’s the hard part because everyone is busy doing the easy part already.
The secret is to seek out the work that most people believe isn’t worth the effort. That’s what you get paid for.
That Is Why I Succeed
IIMA Has How Many Engineers In The New Class of 2009-11???
94%…yes you heard it right…94%…! Thats just 6% lower than a situation wherein a stressed-out parent enters the campus, approaches the reception and asks, “Madam (or sir…I dont mean to be sexist here!), I want to enroll my son for the engineering course.”
Figure this:
Out of 391 students in the IIMA Class of 2009-11:
Apple’s Next iPhone: Unveiled
Update: Received a news tip from Simon that inspite of the crazy PVs that the Gizmodo article got, not to mention some 30,000 retweets, they ended up making little or no money at all from the leaked iPhone post! Funny ways of the Internet…FREE is the next paid!
Original Post
Dont know if this is true or not, but if it is…I am a happy man! It looks quite awesome!
Apple’s Next iPhone: Unveiled
The Day Einstein Died: Exclusive Photographs
Albert Einstein, the genius physicist whose theories changed our ideas of how the universe works, died 55 years ago, on April 18, 1955, of heart failure. He was 76. His funeral and cremation were intensely private affairs, and only one photographer managed to capture the events of that extraordinary day: LIFE magazine’s Ralph Morse.
Click on the photographs to view the entire Slideshow on
Armed with his camera and a case of scotch — to open doors and loosen tongues — Morse compiled a quietly intense record of an icon’s passing. But aside from one now-famous image (above), the pictures Morse took that day were never published. At the request of Einstein’s son, who asked that the family’s privacy be respected while they mourned, LIFE decided not to run the full story, and for 55 years Morse’s photographs lay unseen and forgotten.
Johnnie Walker: The Man Who Walked Around The World
This is such a nice video! Beautifully done! All in one take!
Travel Blog: Rishikesh Rafting
Destination: Rishikesh (Rafting)
When: April 2010 (Weekend)
Who: 9 of us
Stayed: Stayed at the Milestones Camp (Beach number 18). The camps were quite nice, just what one needs for a rafting trip. Its not luxurious or anything and serves the purpose just right. Toilets are also quite decent. However, come prepared for mosquitos. The place houses 11 tents with double occupancy, and it gets really hot inside those tents. So always a better idea to sleep outside under the skies! It costs around Rs. 3,000 per person for a 3D/2N trip including 2 stretches of rafting.
Transport: By road the journey is PAINFUL to say the least. Make sure you have great company. The highway is worst than the service lanes of gurgaon and you will not average more than 25kmph on the entire stretch. Best option (and also the hardest to get) will be train. Take one to Haridwar, post which its a 2 hrs drive to the camp.
But wait, there is a catch. When you raft, you are supposed to come back to the camp on your own. Thats simple if you have your own conveyance, and hiring a cab there will cost a lot. (We had to hire a driver and that itself cost us 600 for 2 days, the cab will be atleast 3 times more).
A Catch-22 situation…but deal with it.
Food: Milestones serves good food. Home cooked and yummy. You wont eat anywhere else…so thats pretty much it.
1. Rafting: The usual itinerary is that you raft from Marine Drive to Shivpuri on Day 1 and Shivpuri to LaxmanJhula on day 2. Rafting is safe for non-swimmers as well (I am one of them) but the deal is not to panic. Yes, you will not feel any ground beneath your feet when you are in water, but take the plunge and enjoy the current.
There is also a stretch called THE WALL, which is meant to be attempted only by swimmers or swimmers with balls of steels. We were neither!
Rafting is a fantastic exercise. We loved every bit of it. Each raft accommodates 6-9 people depending on the size, and its most fun if the entire raft is yours. It does strain you physically but you will enjoy every moment of it!
2. Cliff Jump: The highlight of the trip. You jump from some 30 odd feet…not a lot…but it takes the hell out of you to do it. We all did it around 2 times each and each time the feeling was just the same. HIGHLY recommended!
3. Random Jazz (rappelling, rock climbing): Will be part of the camp. Do it if you enjoy the stuff, but chances are you wont have the energy to do so!
Chandni Chowk Weekend Shoot
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