
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

No – cant be done

No – the product can’t be launched now

No – the process doesnt allow it

No – you cannot get to do this

No – it cant be done

As you scale, you get to hear this a lot more – from within the company.

Whenever you make this statement, complete the following – “No, it cant be done, because the customer _________”

If you cant complete the statement, change your statement to a yes.

Even if it pains you and the company.

You have inspired me!

I am grateful to hear these words a lot of times.

But I think – what if I wasn’t there.
At that moment.
For that cause.

Would inspiration have missed the other person?
Or would he have sought it from someone or something else – nonetheless?

Meet new people
Attend talks
Watch TED
Surround yourself with smart hardworking people
Build your mafia

Don’t leave inspiration to chance.

Silence is the best negotiation strategy

Months back I read a fascinating article on sales strategies. The most intriguing insight from the author, a seasoned sales guy and now a trainer, was
“Make your pitch and then remain silent. Do not speak. It’s a game – where the one who speaks first loses”

I have tried this in multiple interactions and it’s surprisingly works really well.

The urge to speak is almost always the urge to explain
And the urge to explain is almost always an excuse or justification.


Someone asked me last evening – is there a market for vertical classified websites.
There is a framework that can help, I answered.
A matrix of scale of industry versus frequency of need.

The deals industry has a framework too – merchant discount versus price customer has to pay to avail discount

As an ex-consultant, the operating word for us was structure. Whatever is it that you are trying to solve – put a structure on it. As simple as it may be.

Quadrants create that structure. Force you to visualize the problem into 4 distinct buckets – each with its own characteristic.

And that works because the world isn’t one size fits all anymore.
It never was!

Entrepreneurs are kids

I drop Vidur to school everyday.
The minute he enters and his bag is handed over to the teacher, I have to call his name out for him to respond
“Vidur, have a nice day”

Without looking back, he echoes the statement.
And goes in.

He meets the same people everyday
Goes to the same place everyday
Wears the same clothes everyday
Everyday is just like everyday

And yet
He enters with an enthusiasm that I can’t explain
He learns things he didn’t expect to
Or things he didn’t even know existed
He spends hours trying to make that house of books and goes at it again, goes at it again
And yet knows when he needs to move on

True entrepreneurs behave like kids
They are driven by a force most others can’t understand
And what’s seems a routine to others is actually not just everyday!

They say that I can move the mountains
And send them crashing into the sea
They say that I can walk on water
If I would follow and believe
with faith like a child
– Jars of Clay

Being unique

I am not blessed with super normal skills
No super high intelligence
No family wealth
I am average, at best

And I recognized this very early in life. And figured that the way to outperform others is to make myself unique
Not the best

Do several things at the same time
At a pace that others can’t match
Taking risks that others are scared to take
Reacting to failure as if it was always part of the plan
Not caring what the world thinks of me or my plans

If you are the best – someday someone else will be
If you are unique – you are the only one

I chose to be unique
As against being the best
I am the only Ankur Warikoo in the world

Sitting didn’t get us this far

burns the least amount of calories
requires virtually no effort
is easy to do
everyone can do it
can happen anywhere anytime
is the most obvious response when you are tired

And yet – we have moved forward as a species because we chose not to just sit.

Don’t sit on your decisions.
The most dangerous people you will meet in your life are those who wish to sit and change nothing.

When do you stop to shop?

I have always wondered – how is it that people spend so much time shopping for 1 product? Wandering from shop to shop – bargaining – sampling – trying.
Simple answer is likely – they don’t know what they want
20% time spent on the shopping specs
80% time spent on trying to find the best – the best price, the best product, the best design, the best specs!

Turn the ratios
And stop when you first find what you wanted

Now apply this logic to life…
Co founders
Business associates

Trying to better what you wanted – is accepting you didn’t know what you want!

An excuse isn’t equal to output

When I can’t deliver on something I create an explanation for it.
As if the explanation is equal to the delivery I was meant to make.
It’s not!

As an entrepreneur my only job in the world is to create an environment as free of excuses as possible. All the tools, the right product, the right compensation, the right colleagues, the autonomy, the happiness.
Suddenly – there are no excuses to hide behind.

Success doesn’t need excuse as a companion.

The most honest place on earth

I feel is the Gym.
Everyone’s intentions become undeniably obvious within minutes.

Those that perform are the ones unaware that others are looking.

Pretty reflective of what life is all about. Isn’t it!

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