
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

Our values as parents

The 3 values we care about as parents:

1. Respect everyone, irrespective of how they look, speak, how much they earn, etc.

2. Take responsibility for your actions. No one owes you anything.

3. Give it your best. Always. Success may not be in your control. The input always is!

Values are the inputs we nurture. Keep them nurturing long enough, and sooner than you know, they have grown into individuals that make you superproud!

Mistakes and life lessons

I have made multiple mistakes in my life.
And learned from them a lot.

But what I know for sure is others have made a plenty.
And they have written those in their books.

While it is important for me to share mine, it is also important for me to learn from theirs.

Sharing my mistakes makes others wiser.
Learning from others’ mistakes makes me wiser without committing them.

My happiness hacks

Since I am a long student of habits, I also make happiness into a habit :)

Here is how:
Take a fish bowl. Or a jar.
Every night before sleeping, on a piece of paper, write one thing you are grateful for.
One day at a time.
10 seconds at a time.
A habit of lifelong happiness!

The most beautiful habits usually require the least effort. But they do require efforts!

The absence of success

Success is absent unless failure is present.

That doesn’t mean you are going to succeed each time you fail.

Between failure and success, there is one important step that most people miss, because of which they do not reach the step of success: Reflection.

Reflecting on what did the failure teach us.
Reflecting on how did the failure use my weakness.
Reflecting on how we can use our strengths the next time.
Reflecting on what is the best thing that came out of this failure.
Reflecting on how you became a better person in enduring this failure.

You don’t choose failure. But what you choose after failure, reflects if you will be successful or not.

The biggest gift of the pandemic

The pandemic took a lot away from us – mentally, emotionally, health, relationships, even money.

That’s unfortunate.

However, I believe it also gave us a huge gift: of our own company. Which we needed the most.

For everything that comes to break you, comes with a gift to meet yourself on the other side.

The root cause of our suffering

No, you wouldn’t get the Buddha answer (though it is true :D).

The root cause of our suffering is that we want all our desires, wants and goals to be fulfilled yesterday.
We want timelines to be ticked because we want our wants to be met.

When they don’t, we suffer.
Call ourselves inadequate.
And even doubt our capabilities.

Instead of putting a timeline to our goals, putting a timely adherence to putting in the work (even when we don’t feel like), is what will make us own everything we could. And that’s beautiful.

Make a wish!

I recently ran a fun game with my team, asking them to submit a google form to make a wish or two.

Not that all wishes were fulfilled (immediately), but that shows a lot about us as humans, and our beliefs about what could make us happy.

The range was awesome, from Rs. 600 to Rs. 1.5 lacs, from experiences to goods, and even making a wish for others!

While we were going through this, I told my team an important insight:
Put a number to the amount you think is going to make you happy. And then you will realise how easily it is within your reach!

Numbers work wonders. Especially when you put them out from the desires to the draft.

Leave? Or stay?

The question you ask yourself daily before going for a job you hate.

If you are asking the question daily, you already know the answer!

Not at all, in a hurry!

I was recently talking to an 18 year old kid, who is going to pursue a combined graduate and masters of 5 years in IIM.

However, he was not sure if he wanted to take it, or go specific where his interest lied.

When you are very young, you do not know yourself very well. Even though you may think you do, your passions change as time does. And that is the most beautiful thing about life.

The way, then, is not to attach yourself to an identity in life.
The way, is to live multiple identities before calling yourself one
More zooming out, will let to the right eventual zoom-in!

Falling in love with yourself

Falling in love with yourself includes just three things:

  1. You will NOT blame yourself.
    You can point out your mistakes. You can get better. But you will never say to yourself: “You have done it wrong. All the bad stuff has happened because of you! You are a wrong person. You are inadequate. You are a loser! You will never be able to do it. You don’t blame the person you love.
  2. You can live with that person even without talking to that person. The kind of people whom you meet after years, you take off right at the place where you left it. Or you don’t need to talk to them, but not forcing to talk to them. However, we cannot sit with ourselves. We are scared of our own thoughts. We don’t know how to spend time with ourselves!
  3. You don’t judge yourself. That fat kid. That failure. That ugly girl. That inadequate person. The one who is not loved by anyone. Every time you judge yourself, you are damaging the relationship with your own self.

    No one knows you better than you.
    Yet isn’t it strange you wish others to love you yet you are your worst critic?

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