Safe sucks

If you have always had enough money in your bank If the car seat plastic is still on If you have never ran to catch a bus If you have never quit a job because you hated it If you have never spoken to a big crowd If you check all doors after you have shut down your car...

It’s big enough!

Move straight to 4:46 I would want to see this everyday of my life. And remind myself that the vision I work towards is always going to be orders of magnitude bigger than the tasks I conduct today. Don’t question your days. Don’t size the vision It’s...

Failure is a state of mind

And I am so glad Seth Godin agrees “Will I get in?” is not nearly as good a question as, “Is it worth trying?” It’s so easy to talk ourselves into failure before it even shows up

Would you call yourself an entrepreneur?

IIT Delhi student, at the entrepreneurship club speaker series. Ofcourse yes! How else would I get invited to the entrepreneurship club! :) Who is an entrepreneur? Someone who starts on his own? Someone who owns sizable equity? The founder? Well, technically yes. And...

It seems to me…

This will be a lesson. A lesson that took a lot of effort for me to learn, but once I did I realized its power. This is a lesson on Feedback – giving and receiving. It has been a fascinating experience for me. It started in an “organized” fashion...