Jan 15, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
I have a golden rule for policy making Solve for the 95%, not for the 5% Look around you. Most rules and policies are drafted to curb the 5% that deviate. Not to acknowledge the 95% that adhere. No car blinds for the 5% rapists Punch cards for the 5% free loaders 25...Jan 14, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
Sorry, I won’t do this again Sorry, I didn’t think through this Sorry, don’t punish me Sorry, I did this on purpose Sorry, I do not care Sorry, I now know what I have to do If your sorry has multiple intents, don’t expect...Jan 13, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
Jazbaa is an Urdu word Translated in English, it means passion It is the only thing that makes the world move Or not Jazbaa is a good thing Don’t become comfortable Have jazbaa Jan 12, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
In late Sep 2015, I started a personal initiative “Lunch with Warikoo” The company was growing faster than I anticipated. While I used to pride upon the fact that I knew the names of most people, not so much anymore The initiative was driven by the...Jan 11, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
All of us have a weak spot. Something that we know is not right with us. And we cannot do much to change it. Lazy, unorganized, procrastination, sloppy, unaware, non-detailed – whatever it is Even if you can’t do much to change it,...Dec 30, 2015 | Entrepreneurship
Unless you are relentlessly open and honest in your communication, every single day, things fall apart. 100% of failures and problems can be traced back to poor communication at some level