Problem with the 5% 

I have a golden rule for policy making Solve for the 95%, not for the 5% Look around you. Most rules and policies are drafted to curb the 5% that deviate. Not to acknowledge the 95% that adhere. No car blinds for the 5% rapists  Punch cards for the 5% free loaders  25...


Sorry, I won’t do this again  Sorry, I didn’t think through this Sorry, don’t punish me Sorry, I did this on purpose  Sorry, I do not care Sorry, I now know what I have to do If your sorry has multiple intents, don’t expect...


Jazbaa is an Urdu word Translated in English, it means passion It is the only thing that makes the world move  Or not Jazbaa is a good thing Don’t become comfortable  Have jazbaa 

Lunch with warikoo

In late Sep 2015, I started a personal initiative “Lunch with Warikoo” The company was growing faster than I anticipated.  While I used to pride upon the fact that I knew the names of most people, not so much anymore The initiative was driven by the...

Is your world helping you? 

All of us have a weak spot.  Something that we know is not right with us.  And we cannot do much to change it.  Lazy, unorganized, procrastination, sloppy, unaware, non-detailed – whatever it is  Even if you can’t do much to change it,...

Best lesson of 2015

Unless you are relentlessly open and honest in your communication, every single day, things fall apart.  100% of failures and problems can be traced back to poor communication at some level