Jan 1, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
2016 Resolutions Record at least 10 cover songs in my voice – 10/10 I sang more than 500 songs this year – and eventually recorded 30+. Might showcase some of them publicly for feedback Write at least 150 blog posts and at least 100 medium posts –...Dec 29, 2016 | Entrepreneurship, general
When you are not practicing, someone else is. And when you meet each other, they will win. This paranoia drove me in 2016. I double down-ed on the practice. To prepare for the right time, not knowing when it will come. Not worrying about it either. This list is a...Dec 29, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
This year truly tested me. It started with a massive high – we had pulled off a remarkable Management Buyout in 2015, closed the year with the best sales ever and entered Jan 2016 with spirits and energy at the highest levels possible. And then it struck!...Dec 28, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
At toll booths, boom barriers reflect the behavior of most organizations out there. Employees approach with ideas, advancements, experiments, wild bets at the toll booth. Someone, supposedly capable but mostly simply a checker, is siting. Accepts some form...Dec 27, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
Interviewed a super smart woman last evening. She is a visual designer. And while her work spoke for her talent and finesse, what stood out was an honest admission towards the end “Creativity doesn’t come naturally to me. I have to work really hard...Dec 26, 2016 | Entrepreneurship
People need to feel secure In their relationships At their workplace Amoungst colleagues Around competition People need to be told “I will watch out for you” When times are bad When times are good People want to...