Hiring and firing

Something I read several years ago has always stated with me I have never regretted firing someone. I have only regretted how late I did it. And so the question stems – how long before you fire someone. I would start at the selection itself. Groupon has this...

4 actions of time management

Archive (doesn’t warrant reaction or decision) it’s not worth my time to reply to this Happens 10% of the time, for me Reply (take a decision) I need to clear the passage and take a decision The decision, if reversible or with low “capital at...

Productive or Busy

The two are not equal. A productive day is when you glance into the future and take decisions to reach there from where you are today. Let’s call this a workshop. A busy day is when you glance into the past to see how you landed in the present....

What’s your story?

The markets are badThe product isn’t there as yet The systems failed The team size was smallThe long weekend impacted sales The traffic was bad The hours are long and I don’t have time The money isn’t enough The excuses...