Are you scared of failing?

You want a new job.Or start your own business.You want to get out of a relationship.Or you want to lose weight. But you’re unable to do any of these.Not because you don’t want to.Rather because you’re afraid. Afraid of failure.Maybe afraid of what people will...

How to ask for help

You want a college senior’s help.Or you want to reach out to a founder to seek their input on your business idea.Maybe you want to reach out to someone experienced for just guidance.  And quite often we think we do not have anything to offer in return.But that’s...

The right thing to teach our kids

Don’t laugh too hard.Stop doing that.Don’t behave like that.Talk like that. Be this way. We’re always telling our kids what they should and shouldn’t do. Their life becomes a rulebook instead of a blank slate with infinite possibilities. What if we taught our kids how...

How to get people’s respect

There’s a group meeting. And you want to share your point. However, no one really listens. It’s just an endless discussion. In such times, it’s fun and intriguing how the habit of Hollywood Keanu Reeves comes to help. Whenever someone else is speaking, he doesn’t...

Unable to reach your goals?

You’ve been trying too hard.Days, weeks, and months – relentlessly.Still you’re not getting the results you want. Sounds familiar?Is every repeated effort of yours a replica of the last effort? What if you tried different things this time? Not getting results doesn’t...

Are you doing everything efficiently?

Eating junk food in an immaculately dressed plate.Sitting in the right posture to binge watch Netflix..Keeping your phone at the right eye distance to scrolling Instagram indefinitely. Sounds weird right?An odd combination of doing the wrong things in an efficient...