
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

What to do when things are not working out?

When you are in the content creation game, numbers are sometimes up, and sometimes down.

What do you do when they are down?

  • Look at the past data, when they were up; and draw conclusions from that.
  • Look at what is working for those whose numbers are up.

In other words, draw inspiration from:

a. History
b. History being created by others right now

To figure out how to get better in the future, it always helps to lean on history. That is the law of history.

How to wake up early

To not force yourself to making big leaps. Start small

To not compare your journey to someone else’s. Only you know your body and its pace of adaption to life.

To have a schedule. There is no difference between waking up early and not having a schedule, and not waking up early.

Most importantly, to sleep on time.

What seems like a mammoth task, is only a task of getting the basics right.

Money is happiness

When we choose to invest our money due to FOMO, we are sacrificing our happiness AND peace of mind to make more money.

However, wise investors don’t do that.

Investing wisely is important.
Investing due to FOMO is incongruent – to the investing principles.

Only when you do not lose sleep in a bull market and do not get anxious in a bear market, will money be able to buy you happiness. Otherwise, it is merely a downward spiral.

In your 20s…

– Do not feel you are running out of time. You are very, very, very young
– The only person you should be competing with, is who you were yesterday
– We are compelled to make life decisions very early in life. You have time, and it’s okay to not rush!

You are not behind. Trust yourself the most, in your 20s.

Why should you not compare?

  1. Because you want different things from life than anyone else.
  2. Everyone did not start at the same point.
  3. Everyone did not go through the same life experiences as you did.
  4. Everyone is not going in the same direction.
  5. It is a disrespect to your journey and all the hardships you have endured.

Few things are as powerful as being satisfied in your journey so far, yet taking actions every day, to get better at it.

How to have a great day?

By having a great morning.

How to have a great morning?

By having a great night schedule.

How to have a great night schedule?

By living your day in a manner that energises you.

Few things are as powerful as doing the same mundane things everyday, because the boring things add up to a shiny life that no shiny lifestyle could replace :)

Why a team doesn’t perform?

Managers often struggle with team members not delivering on their tasks. 

However, they rarely stop to question what could be the reason behind it. 

Here’s three reasons why employees don’t deliver:

1. They lack capability: They are not capable of doing the job, i.e., lack of skill
2. They lack intent: They don’t want to do the job, i.e., lack of motivation
3. They lack incentives: They do not have the right incentives to do the job. 

The truth is – no one gets up in the morning and says “I do not want to work”.

People want to work.
People do want to bring their best to work everyday.
But they need help.

It then becomes the manager’s role to decide where the gap is, and help them get closer to where the team member’s best interests are.

Managers ALSO work for their team.

Being poor with money

We all think that money solves for everything. 

I would argue, rich is the person who gets to sit with a friend at a lovely cafe early in the morning, drink coffee together, share a pancake, listen to songs that celebrate the relationship and then leave to start their respective days. 

Some people are so poor that the only thing they have is money. 

Does money buy happiness?

Most of us have been taught with the belief that money can’t buy happiness. 

I’d disagree. 

Money buys you freedom to do things you want to do. And to say no to things you don’t want to do.
That privilege to live life on your own terms is happiness, because you don’t “have to” do anything, you “want to” do them.

Money does buy happiness!

Comments and Actions

In my first job, I used to make this gross mistake of commenting how the management of the company was responsible for all the problems we were going through, at work.

Hardly realizing that they were always doing their best.
Hardly realizing how difficult things at their end might have been.
Hardly realizing that it was easier for me to be a spectator and comment on how someone else is failing.

It is easy to comment when you are the commentator.
It’s difficult to take action when you are the action-taker.

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