
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

some dude abducted her…

i knew it…or did i…? its been like 2 days since i have heard frm R…she is hanging out in some jungle with random people from outlook…and they arent even journalists for god sake…!!! what the…?

S…if you read it…dude…you are done…damn..HSBL…(wink wink R)…

oh ok…allright everyone…everything above was contextual. so dont mind if you didnt get any of it. jumping back to life back here…

phew..! i hv never felt so attached to my books as i am feeling right now. even when i was preparing for JEE…(not to mention the fact that i eventually NEVER made it…and never includes 2 attempts…oh ok…3…#@$%#)…i dont recall having spent so much of time on my desk…staring at books…and trying to work out random shit coming out from nowhere.

eco takes the cake…i mean…that dude rocks. i didnt know that cambridge does this to someone sane. or maybe he turned cambridge into the insane place it is today. holy shit…i cant believe anything that he does. he is so cool otherwise…so what evil black bappi lahiri force takes him over when he sits down to frame questions…!!

accounting is cool. MF gave us reasons enough to be relaxed about the entire bit. its like…open book…open notes…open laptop…everyone naked…on a beach…exam…! cool…!

stats is decent. infact its so much cooler than most other exams…atleast i enjoy it for one. keeps me entertained…

marketing…is…i dont know what. its like a consultant’s subject…powerpoints…followed by more powerpoints…and only when it says ‘thank you’ do you realize that its over. and you go…”so what did we look at exactly…” and the other side goes…”ummm…where is the money…!”

and the past 2 days…i have felt more like a TA for the courses than a student. its crazy…(and fun)…i actually have to maintain a diary to record who will be coming over to my place…when…and for what. i need a secretary…soon…(can i get natalie imbruglia please…?)

life is so cool right now…its not even real…its not even funny…



the setting was almost there…and the class was almost replicating the original numbers. however..instead of an astronomy lab…the subject in question was stats…(not to mention…the students were all intelligent…!)

so last night was amazing fun. 7 colleagues and me…and stats. went through the entire bit right from the mid term (till about the last class…) and it was as if everything came back from MSU (and hindu to a certain extent). at times…(and i guess the first time i make this public)…i do regret not having completed my phd. more than the research…it would have given me an opportunity to teach…! the feeling is unmatched…its as if i am a totally new ‘me’ when i converse with a ‘class’…as if i see the real me…!

anyways…i am just glad that it helped everyone who was there. and i do agree…on a ‘not-so-altruistic’ sense…it made me brush up my concepts and finetune them to a good extent. thanks people…

preparation for the finals is coming along decently. though i havent been able to get much accounts done…i will have to give it time the entire day tom. eco is still playing mind games…so there isnt much time before i halucinating and dreaming of a better world than today…!

cant wait for wednesday to come…


…dead week starts…

so…its dead week time…just a week for the finals to end…(which also means that had i been at msu right now..shaving would have stopped…as part of a ritual…). loads of stuff to cover…however the going isnt that bad as of now. got the score for the stats mid term…could have done better…but what the heck…!

life otherwise has been smooth. my room after 9 replicates the ambiance of a tuition center…with atleast 2 (it hit 6 last night…!) people…(or as R puts it…mostly girls…!) trying to figure out the nuances of MC, MR and similar BS…!

great news…in the last 3 days N has had just 1 smoke. which gave me such a kickass thrill that i treated everyone to an ice-cream. its awesome to see someone take an initiative to get rid of all the cheapass ‘qualities’ they have housed within themselves for years. i wish i could do that…but i am glad that atleast someone i know could…and hopefully will continue to do so…

missing u R…love u more than i can ever express in words…


i hate these ‘secret’ sharing conversations…

so…(DAMMIT..!) it turns out that R did have a crush on S…(i knew it..i knew it all this while..!)…sahi hai sahi hai…

it turned out to be one of those…’i never told you this ever..” conversations this evening. and mann..wasnt it interesting. i stick to my stand that whosoever hides something from someone does so on basis of guilt. the guilt could be either of commiting the act (not being shared) or simply of not being to share it with the concerned individual (what the heck did i just say…????).

anyways…so it turns out that the next time we meet…which will be ‘very soon’ as the adage goes…it will be secret time..! she will share some of the stuff that i (or maybe no one ever) know…and the same will fire from my side. oh holy shit…i cant wait to meet her now. incentive enough to drive me down to delhi..even for one nanosecond..

eco assignment is screwing our happiness as always. i can see AB laughing his way back to his home…(dont honor the honor code…bloody b*******…!! see what hits you now..!). though i do have to admit that the 1st question was a killer…it made me think for some 2.5 hrs and every second of it was totally worth it. N and i had a rather fruitful dialogue…(he is infront of me right now)…which gave me great food for thought. though i still stand to my version of the solution…

anyways…apart from that…life’s great. got quite a bit of eco done over this weekend…have to get some acco done over this weekend…dont have a clue what comprises marketing though. lets see…loads of stuff to be handled this week.

and and and…when was the last time my inbox saw 45 mails in 45 minutes….!!!….ummmmmm….this morning..! all due to some smart a** who sends across last evening’s ‘hidden’ party snaps to the entire batch. and woh ho ho…mannn…that upset some people mighty hard…i mean…mighty damn rock hard.

last week of the first term…looking foward to it…take care…


…and thus lost indian politics…

i lost the elections…which is all good cause i know the opposite side is good…and capable. however…there are some people who disagree…so much so that they go about blasting the entire indian politics scenario…! a mail this morning is bound to make vajpayee weak in his knees (pun intended..!) and laloo commit suicide from the ground floor of his mansion.

it definitely brought N to react…in a rather bitter way…and it wasnt complimented with a sweet symphony. it was just plain brutal and honest…which i would appreciate…

anyways…life is normal. people are getting worked up as the finals are approaching. how will we handle economics…how will be handle accounting…how will be handle the remaining 10 odd months…! not to mention the number of photocopies of ‘multiple regression models’ that are floating around…! amazing…

only a week to go before the term ends. life was fun this term. made great friends…had an awesome time attending classes…interacting with the profs…getting to read them beyond the obvious…hope the finals can justify my existence here…

rest all good…by the time R reads this she would have already had a conversation with K. holy shit…its shocking…S is out of the picture and in comes a 19 yr old babe from hyderabad. he is coming down to stay with me..cause his family is meeting up with the girl’s family. interestin bit. after some 67586289 relationships..he settled for an arranged one….! impressive

S lost her grandmom yesterday. thankfully i was there when she heard about it. she was in a bad state…however she is doing better today. god bless…

rest all good…india still rocks…including politics…

all the best to all the VPs…excited to see you guys deliver your best…


love nike…??

something about this brand makes me fall in love with it…every single day…

and i believe that nike has always been at the forefront of the best websites on the web. if that wasnt enough…check their latest innovation…

and while we are on links….here is an interesting bit. there is actually a part of your brain which starts working when people go sarci…!

“ahem ahem…ankur…how come you are looking so thin today…??”

the day went well…nothing grand. N’s B-I-L had come over. and he happens to be a celebrity. it was fun haging out with him over lunch…although i have a feeling that he wasnt very confortable with us. he seemed pre-occupied. anyways…

lunch was also with this staff write from Forbes. she is on a trip to india…learning about non-IT startups in India. so she wanted to have an informal chat with some students connected/planning to connect with the entrepreneur world.

apart frm this…had an interesting conversation with R. wont delve too much into it…all that remains is the fact that i have so totally fallen in love with her all over again. she is simply amazing.

2.35am…time to hit bed. I see N,G,N and A outside…chillin out…



everything…including life…is trivial…! there has been a tragedy in the ISB community…we have lost someone who was right in front of our eyes only some weeks back…making a presentation on how important and amazing the experience called life is..! and this was all over..! what remains is simply the feeling…



all that for that one single vote…

the soap box presentations yesterday went well. though i do have competition in the real sense of the world. and campaigning is something that 1) i have never done…2) i dont know how to do…3) wont work because i am out of my deo..!

so lemme see…i surely wud hv to do something to get people to vote for me…G has been suggesting that i go to classrooms and talk to them…that didnt happen today…so lets see..tomorrow (will also leave a fresh memory when they walk in to vote tom…AAHaaaa…!!)

rest all is happening good…the marketing case is almost done…killing us..! G had to be rushed to the hospital last night cause of severe dehydration…the case is that dry…(alrite…ALRITE…BAD ONE…!!)

didnt get a chance to talk to R…talked for some 3 nanonseconds before i had to start with the group meeting. she told me that P is getting engaged…which makes me wonder…why the hell is everyone in this world getting engaged..and that too this time arnd. i hear atleast one engagement news everyweek…its crazy..! are rings being over-produced?

life is good otherwise…talked to K and A a few minutes back. good fun. MS is leaving…which is rocking news. S and J have moved in…(lucky Bas…)…and are sure having a ball.

and here i am….


the world isnt dead…

it’ll die the day people stop caring about others….and last evening told me that this hasnt happened as yet. it started with me sharing my concerns with R…and boy…did i stretch the definition of ‘my best friend is also my lover’…!! i told her whatever was there inside me…troubling me like bappi lahiri’s music…and she hates bappi as well. so she was pretty understanding…

having said that…the fact doesnt change that she too goes through the same phases in life….its jst that i already knew of them. i do think that my confession was something that took her by surprise. at somepoint of time in our conversation she actually said..”i cant believe that i am suggesting this to you…”

and then came in S. mannn…that was some conversation. it was funny how we talked for 15 odd minutes without mentioning the names of the concerned individuals even once. it was ‘heart-talk’….and it was amazing. i am so glad i had the conversation with her…!

turned in the eco assignment last night…have a horrible..stupid…nasty…what not…marketing case due this wednesday. i mean for god sake…some industrial plant has high bacteria growth in its process…and mind you…they arent the best smelling bacteria on earth. so these dudes decided to do what…….???…..throw deoderant bottles in the process….hmmmmm… what exact moment in your professional life…DID YOU LOOSE IT….!!!!

and then this turns into one masterpiece of a case…and screws around with the heads of b-school grads the world over. so much so for a bottle of CK thrown in to make bacteria smell good…!

exams due in just 2 weeks…wow…! 1st term almost over…hope it goes off well…

still humming…”yeh zameen gaa rahi hai…aasmaa gaa raha hai…”

another day…


holy shit…!

does Simon Hoegsberg (simon..who…??) rock or what…!!!

this dude can think with photography….and here i am just able to see with the art…! you have to check him out with ‘The Thought Project’

PS: Our conversation from last night…

From: Simon Høgsberg [] Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 11:41 PMTo: Ankur WarikooSubject: Re: Wish to compliment you

Hej Ankur,

It’s not often that I receive as much praise as that given to me below. Thank you very much. It means a lot to me.

Keep it up and take care,


Dear Simon…

This email goes out to compliment you on the extraordinary work that you done with respect to photography, lately. I was impressed with ‘Private and Public’ when it came out. However, ‘The Thought Project’ contradicted my opinion that nothing could be better than ‘Private and Public’. It is simply one of the best photography project that I have come across, that connects visuals with sensitivity in a profound manner.

Please accept my congratulations again on a wonderfully executed project. I am an amateur photographer and you definitely serve as a high source of motivation and inspiration.

Hope to see more of you in the near future. Take care and have a nice day ahead…

Ankur Warikoo

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