
Words. Wisdom. Winners.


Gut is an awesome thing 

It supercedes data

It drives immediate action 

It’s based on experience 

It’s already rationalized 

It’s you 

Your judgement 

Precisely the reasons why gut is also a bad thing 

Because most people end up using gut to express fear. 

“I know I know, all the facts are right, but it just doesn’t feel right”

Gut is your enemy when you use it to represent your fears

Excel sheet leadership 

If, as a leader, you take all your decisions based on excel sheets, devoid of emotional labor, you are a victim of excel sheet leadership. 

Here is the deal about excel sheet leadership. 

It’s an oxymoron. It doesn’t exist. 

The hard part is going through each cell on that sheet. 

The hard part is listening and responding to all exceptions. 

The hard part is looking at the world from someone else’s perspective. 

Excel sheet leaders die young. And they die as managers. 

The rest become leaders 


Received an email yesterday. A fellow entrepreneur wants to get into the gifting space. Wants to offer 2 hour delivery and only brands. Because no one else is serving this need. 

Here is the deal

No one starts a business saying I will deliver bad products and I will deliver slow. 

There is an economic reason behind everything. 


I always do myself a favor whenever a new idea hits me. 

I tell myself – “you are stupid. People before have already thought of this idea. But how come no one has done it yet?”

Ideas don’t need parents. 

They need work

Everything that happens

Everything that happens, happens for a reason 

Perhaps true. 

Everything that happens, happens for the good

Perhaps true. 

If you wait long enough, everything will explain itself. Everything will settle. 

But is that the best use of your time? 


What is respect?

The reality of firing is not that of capability. It’s rarely that. 
It’s that of a value mismatch. The value that is being added is lesser than expected or the strengths possessed are not valued enough. 

The same value can be significant someplace else. And it usually is. 

The hard part about firing then becomes realizing this fact. And thus still maintaining respect for the individual. 

I have personally fired 27 individuals in my life. 

Not one of them would refuse to help me if I called them one day for help. 

Most would say that the firing, though painful at that stage, was a wise decision eventually. 

They were told, with respect, of how the mismatch will not work out. For both parties involved. 

That it is best for both to move on. 

Maintaining respect for the opposite side, when the side has not delivered, is a hard thing to do. 

It is also the right thing to do. 

Respect is never situational. 

Problem with the 5% 

I have a golden rule for policy making

Solve for the 95%, not for the 5%

Look around you.

Most rules and policies are drafted to curb the 5% that deviate. Not to acknowledge the 95% that adhere.

No car blinds for the 5% rapists 

Punch cards for the 5% free loaders 

25 yrs drinking limits for the 5% that can’t control 

Daily reviews for the 5% that can’t self manage

Bell curve for the 5% that don’t fit in


And it’s obvious why that’s the case

It’s the 5% that create the most chaos

They make the most noise

They destroy the most

They seek the most attention

They get the most attention
The 5% will make themselves visible come what may. The hard work then is to make the 95% visible.

Don’t let the 5% takeover


Sorry, I won’t do this again 

Sorry, I didn’t think through this

Sorry, don’t punish me

Sorry, I did this on purpose 

Sorry, I do not care

Sorry, I now know what I have to do

If your sorry has multiple intents, don’t expect forgiveness as the only reaction


Jazbaa is an Urdu word

Translated in English, it means passion

It is the only thing that makes the world move 

Or not

Jazbaa is a good thing

Don’t become comfortable 

Have jazbaa 

Lunch with warikoo

In late Sep 2015, I started a personal initiative

“Lunch with Warikoo”

The company was growing faster than I anticipated. 

While I used to pride upon the fact that I knew the names of most people, not so much anymore

The initiative was driven by the insecurity of losing touch with my colleagues, than anything else. 

The initiative was to have lunch with a new person everyday. Across the country. 

And then to post about it on our employee Facebook group – much like “humans of New York” 

Yesterday I completed the 50th such lunch. 

18 of them in person. Rest on hangouts. 

I have had people cook for me

I have had people bring me gifts

I have had people cry in front of me

I have had people hug me

I have had people order food for me 

I have had people bring in their friends

I have had people write poetry for me

I have had people shower unconditional love, that I am largely undeserving of. 

And they have done all of this because I gave them my time. And they know it is the most precious thing I have. 

When you pick the most valuable thing in your life and are ready to share it, magic happens! 

What’s most precious to you? 

When are you sharing it? 

Is your world helping you? 

All of us have a weak spot. 

Something that we know is not right with us. 

And we cannot do much to change it. 

Lazy, unorganized, procrastination, sloppy, unaware, non-detailed – whatever it is 

Even if you can’t do much to change it, you can do a lot to change the world around you. 

For the physically lazy, does the world around offer everything in an arm’s distance 

For the mentally lazy, does the world around offer work at the dim of the day

For the unorganized, does the world around include you in every email chain

There are two ways of dealing with your weak spot 

Work on it 

Or create a world around that doesn’t fuel it

Find your weak spot 

And then fight it, using the world and not your own self. 

When people say, hire people smarter than you, they mean people who fill in the weak spots you have. 

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