Words. Wisdom. Winners.
Once you trust someone, this is what you don’t do
We humans have this rather unfortunate habit of checking the strength of our relationships, every how and then
Let’s see if he calls me today
Let’s see if he picks up my phone if I call him right now
Let’s see if they figure out this loophole without me pointing to it
Let’s see if I can trust this person
Here is the deal about trust
The minute you test it, you have broken it
Trust shouldn’t be tested
It is either earned, or established through conduct
To test trust, is to not have it
The journalist had reached out to me on Sunday evening, asking for my comments.
I declined to comment, adding that his facts were wrong and if he waited for a few days I could share all the information formally and accurately.
I assume he had to file the story nonetheless, so he asked if I could go off the record and talk. I declined that too (PS: there is nothing in this world called off the record! Everything you say is on fucking record!)
When th article came out, I felt let down. I had clearly mentioned that the facts were wrong but all that was stated from my side was that I had refused to comment.
I wanted to understand what the protocol is
So I wrote in (recall: if you don’t ask, the answer is always no)
What could I have done to ensure my stand that the facts were wrong, were also represented in the article
Apparently, there is a simple way to do this
Go on record :)
I hereby go on record to state that I cannot comment on this matter right now, but do wish to share that the facts as stated in the article, are wrong.
in hindsight, this is obvious. Should have thought about it :)
Choosing the right crowd
There are people who tell you that you are wrong
There are people that help you see where you are wrong
Guess which ones are more than the other?
Now do you see why choosing the right crowd isn’t easy?
And why that’s precisely the reason why you should spend a lot of time on it?
Grass spoilt it all for us
Ever has this situation where you were extremely happy and content with your situation UNTIL you came across someone else who was better off, with similar attributes as yours?
And this made you feel sad and shitty about your state?
While your grass was green all through
The existence of supposedly greener grass disturbed you
Make a subtle distinction there, that might help
Did the opposite side of the grass always exist and you were simply made aware of it?
Did the opposite side of the grass come up after you?
If it’s an awareness problem – you are fighting your own self.
Not the grass
Worst form of wisdom
The fastest way to become wise is to receive it
The power of books, videos, podcasts – is phenomenal, especially if you consider the effort it would take to acquire it yourself
There is danger though
Information, today, is navigating at the speed of light
And it’s disguised as wisdom
Beautifully disguised
The worst form of wisdom is received wisdom that isn’t challenged
What’s on the other side of inspiration?
An ex-colleague wrote in, asking a very interesting question
“Now that your videos and content have picked up a lot, how does the attention feel? What’s it like to be on the other end of inspiration?”
It’s a lot of pressure
And the only perpetual overwhelming feeling is that of being humbled
Pressure, because I am suddenly conscious of whether I am making sense, whether I am making the content any easier to be absorbed, whether this is even relevant content, am I qualified enough to even speak on this?
Humbled because people are writing in and sharing such fascinating personal journeys, acknowledging how the content came just at the right time. One can’t help but feel blessed to be at the receiving end of such gratitude
But more than anything else, it’s the confirmation that inspiration perhaps has a start but surely no end.
I continue to “chase” inspiration – find it in the usual spots (books, videos, podcasts) but also in the most unexpected of places or people (kids particularly)
And thus I believe, I will never truly know how it feels to be at the other end of inspiration
And I am glad about that :)
Fake news
This incident blew my mind
Right after Diwali, Vidur vegans coughing. Took him to his doctor, who diagnosed the condition to be bad.
I asked him if it was due to the Diwali pollution
“Are you joking? This time there was no Diwali! It felt like a day of mourning because of no crackers”
Intrigued, I probed further
“It really felt like mourning to you?”
“Of course – like the Chirag-e-dilli day of mourning”
“Ummmm, sorry, what? Chirag Dilli mourning?”
He smirked.
“Do you know where chirag dilli gets it name from?”
His clinic is in Chirag Dilli, a colony in south Delhi
“No, doc. I don’t”
“Some Mughal ruler (he mentions a name that I can’t remember now and am pretty sure wasn’t Mughal) ordered all Hindu men to be converted.
When they resisted, he lined all of those who resisted, strapped with horse with swords, and rode the horse towards one of Delhi’s gates, chopping their heads as he rode. That gate is now called Khooni Darwaaza for the same reason.
That Diwali, every household has someone dead. And it felt like the darkest day ever.
Until a destitute woman rose up and said there is no way that Diwali in Dilli will be this dead.
So she lit a chirag, and she did it right here. Which is why Chirag Dilli”
Now, I will admit – I set his evident bigotry aside for a moment and was just fascinated by the story.
How names and traditions and habits are formed – is storytelling that enamors me.
I left the clinic, proceeding to Vidur’s piano class
While waiting, as the class went on, I couldn’t take my mind off the story. I wanted to know more
So I started browsing on Chirag Dilli
It wasn’t just a lie that I was told
I was told a lie by a person convinced he isn’t lying
Which isn’t a matter of ignorance, education or exposure
It’s a matter of belief
Fake news isn’t online
Fake news is everyone
And it rides on the wheels of our belief
Ridiculous, and thus misunderstood
Met a smart candidate yesterday for a senior role
Towards the end the usual question popped up – what is the larger goal of
Not directly asked, but hidden in that question was the more basic one – what’s the potential of this deals and discounts industry?
I shared my views. Views that I can share even in my sleep now :)
At the end of it – he was clearly shocked. Surprised. Pleasantly.
I wasn’t talking about deals and discounts. I was talking about how a basic human trait is the foundation for the company’s vision. And how everything starts from there and revolves around that belief.
An outcome of this belief is a crazy imagination of the future.
And I believe that any definition of the future sounds ridiculous when one hears it.
Which is why, to quote Jeff Bezos, People will misunderstand what we mean to do, and we have got to be ok with that.
My view of my future sounds ridiculous and I am willing to be misunderstood until it unfolds.
Most are living two lives
Are you a different person on weekdays and weekends?
Are you a different person right before you step in to office and once you are inside?
Are you a different person when with your team and when with your boss?
Are you a different person through the year and towards the appraisal process?
Are you a different person when working with your colleagues and when drinking with them?
Are you a different person because you wish to be or you think you are meant to be?
The separation of work and life has caused concepts such as work life balance to flourish in today’s culture
The pressure to “balance” the two – as separate entities on two scales of a weighing machine
Does it have to be this way?
Can life be such where we stop living two lives?
The need to balance work and life, is only if you are living each separately
This simple rule of success allows us to do anything at all
As cave people in the stone ages, there was just one rule of success
If you survived, you would reproduce and that allowed your tribe, your community to move ahead
So do whatever it takes to not killed by an animal, get hit by the weather or murdered by a known one
And that has evolved our bodies in a fashion where they will do anything at all to adopt to the environment and not die
We can use the thousands of years of conditioning, to our advantage (or not)
Because our bodies are still, constantly, in survival mode
OMG, this individual is lifting weights everyday. I need to build muscles to cope up with it
Awesome, this guy eats frequently. I don’t need to conserve – I can keep burning
Oh sweet, this person is always in the present. I don’t have to keep pinging with in the head, with my inner chatter
Well – if he just sits all day why do I need to build anything to help him walk or run?
If you don’t eat right or regularly, I will have to store – to survive
Going back and forth between the past and future seems to be your favorite hobby. Sure – let’s make it happen
We don’t need to tell our body what we want from it
We just need to decide what we want it to be
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