Words. Wisdom. Winners.
How to create content
Content creation is something all of us must do.
It’s an opportunity generator.
Helps us connect with more people.
Share our interests and work with the world.
However, a lot of people get confused about what to create content on.
The answer is: whatever we do.
If we play a guitar, that would be our content.
If we love to write, it becomes our content.
If we manage to be productive despite stress, that becomes our content.
There’s only so much that we can create, but there is also so much that we can share about who we are.
The purpose of failure
We’re going through a difficult time.
We’re failing.
Perhaps everyone has already believed we are a failure.
But who is a real failure?
Didn’t every successful person fail more than succeed?
The purpose of failure isn’t to prove how big a failure we are.
The purpose of failure is to test how determined towards success we are.
Who’s giving the advice?
A friend with zero savings always nudges us to invest more.
The coworker with a secure job is pushing us to pursue our dreams.
Too often, we lay more importance on who is giving the advice instead of what advice is being given.
“They aren’t living that life, what right do they have to give me advice?” we wonder.
Perhaps that is the exact reason they’re giving the advice.
Beating procrastination
We want to get the task done.
Before the deadline.
But we get it done only right before the deadline.
That causes chaos, confusion, and even lack of focus.
What if we broke down a huge task into small deadlines?
It’s about feeding the inner muscles to get activated near the deadline.
The smaller goals we achieve, the higher our confidence is to get more done.
The virtuous cycle just continues.
The most important relationship
We take time to nurture all our important relationships.
However, what about the relationship with the most important person, i.e., ourselves?
What is our response when people criticise us?
What if they don’t give any reaction?
How do we stay grounded when they celebrate us?
Their responses may change.
But the inner stability is a result of our inner conversations.
We don’t control what the world tells us.
We control our reaction to what the world tells us.
Where does our mind get our thoughts from?
We are nervous.
Anxious about what people would think.
Scared of not making it through.
The worst part is – this vicious cycle continues for every instance of life.
No matter how much we try, we can’t tame the mind to stop overthinking.
What if, this time we started accepting instead of resisting it?
What if we continued despite the truth?
What if we started feeding our mind the truth we want it to manifest?
We can either hear the stories our mind tells us, or tell our mind the stories we want to hear.
An intersection of ignorance
Ignorance is bliss.
The news.
Trolls on social media.
Opinions of relatives.
Ignorance is also poverty.
Not knowing who we are.
What keeps the flame in us alive.
What nudges our heart to take action.
One makes us insane.
Another keeps us sane.
One induces fear of missing out.
Another induces joy of missing out.
One is where the herd is.
Another is where everyone is alone.
Awareness of what to ignore and what to be aware of is true freedom.
A peek into the future
If we were given a chance to peek into our future, we’d certainly not miss it.
What if we knew that the way we live our days is setting up our foundation for our future?
This also enables us to change our past, because the present of today is the past of the future.
The best way to change the future lies in the present.
What if?
A lot of us do not want to live by the conventional route.
We want to explore and challenge ourselves.
But our fears hardly let that happen.
What if I fail in singing?
What would I tell my parents if I couldn’t earn as much as Sharma ji’s son?
What would my friends say when they know I have left my job to start up?
However, what if we used our power to think for ourselves?
What if people end up loving my music?
What if my parents would be happier seeing me happy?
What if my friends draw inspiration from my example?
We don’t know what the result will be.
But if we don’t try, we won’t ever know our own selves.
Kindness and success
Kindness leads to success.
Or success leads to kindness.
A statement a lot of people ponder upon.
Will we be successful if we are kind?
Or should we be kind when we get successful?
To me, kindness is non-negotiable because people want to be validated and heard more than they want external success.
Kindness doesn’t necessarily lead to success; kindness is success.
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