
Words. Wisdom. Winners.

Understanding the content creation process

Every brand, personal or company, that establishes rapport with consumers online, is a winner. Almost everyone has a great product, how they establish communication with their audience decides almost everything. 

That said, here are some nitty-gritties into content creation:

If we are seeking a reason to do something, perhaps we shouldn’t!

Through videos, posts, tweets – on LinkedIn (high organic reach), Twitter (improves our writing and presentation skills) and Instagram (because of high audience there)

Sharing our journey, sharing what we know (skills – fitness, vlogging, comedy, music, etc.), sharing what we are learning. In other words, being authentic instead of being preachy.

Understanding our audience:
Spending time with them by responding to DM’s, getting them engaged in content by CTAs.
Content creation is not a one-way street. If the audience loves it, they will give our feedback. If they don’t, we will still get to know. That helps us build upon it.

Does the audience change?
“Digital customers require novelty because they are not marrying you rather dating you.” – Kunal Bahl

What if we run out of content?
Content is nothing but our life experiences turned into stories. As long as we are alive and observant, every action, every failure, every success, every day’s lessons could be translated into a content piece. Which essentially means, we won’t ever run out of content.

Whom should we follow?
People whose content makes sense to us, whose content we could repurpose, on whose content we could create content on. There is so much content out there, if we start making content on that, we would never run out of content.

Will it take time?
All good things do. In a world of instant gratification, more time something takes, more relevance does it hold. At least two years. That is the reason a lot of people don’t create content – because it requires patience, and it requires thick skin to not think of what others might think! (Bonus point: They aren’t thinking of you anyway, they are thinking of what you are thinking of them!)

Some technicalities:
Today’s phones have great video quality, a great one for start
If not daily, consistently at the same time is important
Language should be audience specific – India – Hinglish; outside India – English

Is it possible to get clients through creating content?
If we create content not with the intent of getting clients rather than sharing all that we know, giving without any intention of receiving, inbound leads will eventually come. A giver, is always given.

Tips for never giving up?
1. Making the algorithm your friend – even if you don’t post daily, post at a time that the algorithm knows it will be fed your content.
2. Being yourself – because everyone else is taken
3. Enjoying the journey instead of waiting for the reward – It is during the “during”, that our entire life is lived!

Sooner than we know, content creation will be an industry bigger than even e-commerce.

The journey is going to be demanding, if we think of content creation as just another task to tick off.
The journey is going to be fulfilling, no matter how much painful, if we think of content creation as sharing our life experiences, being able to look back at it 2, 5, 10 years from now and see how far we have come; and most importantly, what a learning curve of this wonderful thing called life, we have built for ourselves.

“No” isn’t rude

There are important items in our bucket.
Yet we say yes to every offer that comes our way.
Perhaps we’re scared of what they will think of us.

In that process of committing without thought, the urgent gradually takes over the important.
Leaving no room for us to act on what’s important in the long term.

Polite no.
I’d rather skip this.
They aren’t rude, they are simply prioritising ourselves before we offer to others. That isn’t mean, rather super helpful for the very few commitments we would offer to work upon.

We teach others how to treat us, by how we treat ourselves. – Oprah

The less known thing about job interviews

We want to make our best impression.
Give the most meaningful answers.
And make sure the interviewer is happy after evaluating us.

These are the thoughts that are going on in our mind, before appearing for an important interview. 

However, the interview is not only for us.
It is also for the company, for us to decide whether it is the right fit or not.
Going prepared with our questions and drafting a resume that shows who we are is as important. We are certainly going to exchange our time for salary, not our happiness.

A journey in a job is fulfilling only when it is a two-way line, just like any other relationship.

Not sure about entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is cool.
It’s a great feeling to launch a product that you made from scratch.

But, maybe the entire ecosystem of sales, management, product, etc., overwhelms you.
You love product development but the processes and team building responsibilities don’t excite you as much.

And that’s perfectly okay.
It is perfectly okay to not do what almost everyone else is doing, because you don’t have that inclination.
Such awareness is power.
Because now you know what to act upon and what not to choose willfully. 

In life, you don’t have to become what everyone seems to be becoming.
Getting to such a realization is precious. 

What to do while feeling stuck

Feeling stuck.
Tried everything.
Don’t know where to look.

It helps asking other people for their opinions.
Not out of pressure of receiving help, rather out of hope of receiving a different point of view.

“What would you do if you were in my place?”
If we ask and just listen, we would not be in the same place.

Perspectives broaden our worldviews.
We may or may not get help, but we’ll think differently. And that is a good enough start.

Being a linchpin

Linchpin is a small pin that keeps various parts of a wheel together.
In our world, we call them as humans that are indispensable to an organisation.

While a linchpin does a lot of paddling like the duck, there are some things that they categorically always do: 

Owning the job: If it is the job of someone in the company, it is the linchpin job. No job is small or insignificant. Having the courage to do it and get the team along is what makes them indispensable.

Don’t require follow up: If a linchpin owns a job, they own it completely. We won’t be required to follow up with them, and when they are running late, they will be the first to inform.

Owning outcome versus output: Output is what is required from us. Outcome is the magic we create beyond what is required from us. Owning the output is having to do the task, owning the outcome is wanting to do the task. Linchpins sign up for the latter because their work signs for them.

It turns out, rewards and accolades alone don’t make linchpins.
Being a linchpin is a choice, the competition is scarce, and we make that choice each day as who we are.

The equation with energy

Almost everything we do, requires energy.
Almost everything  we want to do and can’t do, is because of lack of energy.

Yet so many of us lose the easiest ways to have more energy: Sleeping on time, hydrating a lot, not wasting time watching news.
The causes that directly affect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. 

We don’t need more energy.
We just need not waste it. 

Seeking feedback

Our learning curve gets steeper whenever we receive feedback. 

So if accelerating our learning curve is our goal, then seeking feedback should be too..

Waiting for it, is giving the control of our learning curve to someone else. 

Waiting for feedback to arrive is equivalent to waiting for success to happen without putting in the work. Hardly happens, hardly helps.

I want you to change!

“People don’t understand me.
When will they understand what I want?”

We want people to change. All the time. Because they are not right.
However, they think the same for us. They think they are right. It is us who needs to change.

Instead of changing either, the knots just intensify.

Changing people is hard.
Beginning with ourselves is harder.
But more real. And possible.


We have everything, yet something is missing.
We are successful, yet don’t feel successful.
There are blessings that the world thinks we have, yet those very blessings keep us trapped.

Why do we feel like having nothing despite having everything?
Because we have everything that the world wants and nothing that we truly want.

There is a template that we have been following not knowing that we have a plain page to draft a new route.

We don’t feel empty because of lacking something that the world could give us.
We often feel empty because we lack the awareness of what we want.

The sad news is that the emptiness is within.
The good news is that the emptiness is within, so it can be taken care of.

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