Keep asking questions

Recall the time when we asked a question in class and our teacher dismissed it as a stupid question? Suddenly we felt alone. The entire class laughed at us.We felt the teacher doesn’t like us anymore.We wondered why we asked in the first place.The best thing would...

Keep going, my friend

In 2012, I was 32 years old.And weighed 90 kgs! All my life, I had treated my body like a dustbin.Dumped it with bad food at erratic times, with total disregard. An accident led me to work on my health. At that time, my colleague Ajay Singh gifted me a very tight tee...

It’s not the end!

I tried JEE twice.Didn’t clear it. Tried IIT again for MSc.Didn’t clear it. All these times it seemed like the end of my world.It wasn’t. That exam, that job, that relationship, that target, that goal.That isn’t the end of your...

What relationships really need

One of the biggest mistakes I made was thinking I will keep my parents happy with the money I make.I will send them on vacations, buy them things, and make their life comfortable.But the busier I got, the less happy they were, despite all the things they now had. The...

Ask me anything!

I started my newsletter 156 weeks back (exactly 3 years) and have never missed a week! It started all over the place.I didn’t know what to share, how much to share, and how much to ask. Over time, I found my rhythm. All through the journey though – one...