For the past 3 years, our (now) 12 year old son, Vidur, has been setting up a game stall at our society’s Diwali mela. 

This year, he earned 12K in profit.
And he can’t believe it!

While his objective was to have fun, I had a selfish motive.
To teach him about money. 

1st year lesson: Sales.

3 years back, I wished for him to learn sales. 

How to drive conversions?
How to select the prizes?
How to price?

He ran a “Break the can pyramid with 3 balls” game.
Made a sale of Rs. 4,000.
Had no idea about costs or something called profit.
But he understood that he could have charged more. 

2nd year lesson: Costs.

Last year, I wished for him to learn costs.
Fixed costs (stall cost, game cost, etc.) and variable costs (prizes).

He had a budget to work with.

He ran the same game.
Made a sale of Rs. 8,500.
Spent Rs. 5,000 in prizes and Rs. 3,000 in fixed costs.

He thought he made Rs. 8,500.
Cute :))

3rd year lesson: Profits.

This year, I wished for him to learn how to make money.
And I saw a different Vidur at work!

He decided on a new game.
Players had to throw table-tennis balls into 10 cups arranged as a cone, each with a score of 1-10.
You total the score and win prizes on that basis.

I asked him how much he wanted to make in profit percentage.
He said, “At least 75%.”

I said, “Okay – let’s play Excel Excel.” :))


His game pitch was “Earn Rs. 15,000”
Score more than 30 points in 3 or 4 tries and pick any of the prizes – which included a Marshall speaker for Rs. 15,000 (he didn’t buy it – we already had one).

He priced 3 tries for Rs. 20, 4 tries for Rs. 40.


He wanted most people to walk away with a prize. 

So he set 5 slabs:

1-5 points: Lollipop (worth Rs. 5)
6-10 points: Frooti (worth Rs. 10)
11-20 points: Frooti + Oreo (worth Rs. 20)
21-30 points: Coke + Oreo + Kitkat (worth Rs. 30)
30+ points: Pick from the grand prizes

He went about buying these on a returnable basis from the local shop, which was smart.

Invested 2,700 to do so.
2,000 for the stall.
500 for misc setup. 


I was the cashier handling the money.
He was the one selling and making people play.
Enticing them to go for 4 tries (for Rs. 40).
Celebrating each ball dropping into a cup.

Mid-way, he realised the game was harder than he thought it would be.
So he encouraged people to play again, because it is a skill game eventually. 

End result:

Sales: Rs. 16,600

– Rs. 2,500 fixed
– Rs. 2,200 prizes

Profit: Rs. 11,900

He couldn’t believe he did it. 

He kept 1,900 with himself and asked me to invest 10K.

While he gets a fair bit of money on his birthday and other family events, this is the most he has made on his own.
And I don’t think anything else will come close to making this money feel sweeter!

He has been investing nearly all the money he has got till date, through me.
Has invested 1.05L so far, which has reached 1.23L at an XIRR of 24%.