What’s your best shot?

We could think of a thousand reasons why we could fail.But trust that one reason why we would succeed. Giving up is the worst thing we can do to ourselves.It’s also the easiest.  What’s not easy is to keep going. If we gave our best shot and it did...

What determines success?

IQ, aka how smart you are, once used to be the biggest determinant of success.  Then came the EQ.Empathizing with people made us better leaders and effective communicators. The world evolved and everything around us is now designed to attract our attention. ...

Saying no is a choice

Each time we say no to someone, we think we are saying no to our capability of helping.We think we are saying no to our ability to solve problems. The reality, however, is that we are saying no to someone else because we want to be respectful of what’s important for...

Self-imposed feelings

There is always a reason behind how we feel.  If the reason for that feeling is someone else, why blame ourselves?It will pass.  If we are the reason, why blame someone else?It’s time to fix it. The key is to find the source. Our feelings are...

Baggage of experience

We keep running after work experience.We think it will make us better at what we do. But experience comes with its own baggage — a blind belief that what we know is what is right. However, it is the maturity of realizing that we are constantly learning, that things...

The pressure on jobs

“I am doing this job only for financial stability. It does not make me happy”. Our heart lies somewhere else.Yet, we continue to put a lot of pressure on our job.  We expect it to not only provide us with financial stability but also with work...