Oct 20, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
“Not my type!”“Oh, this one is just like me!”“It would be difficult to hang around him.” The mind is constantly labelling people we meet. However beneath the surface, there are no “types” of people.They are just being themselves. What if, instead of...Oct 19, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
“Waking up early gives me energy.But my friends are out partying tonight and I do not want to miss the fun.” “Studying is important.But this new Netflix series everyone is talking about makes me feel I am missing out.” “I do not have the money.But everyone seems to...Oct 18, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
We are with friends. Yet we feel bad at the end of the conversation.They care for us. Yet something doesn’t feel right.We are there for them through thick and thin. Yet we don’t see them happy when we are. Too often, we are surrounded by beautiful toxicity in the form...Oct 17, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
Settle down in life. Or keep changing professions almost every 5-7 years.Do what everyone else does. Or do what feels right.GIve away your sleep for others. Or make it a top priority. Doing what is uncomfortable always feels uncomfortable at the start.Because what if...Oct 16, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
We don’t choose our parents.Nor can we choose how they conduct themselves as parents.Or the repercussions of it. But we do choose what to do to ourselves, once we are aware of what happened.We can either blame them for our lives.Or we can choose to heal ourselves....Oct 15, 2024 | Entrepreneurship
There are important items in our bucket. Yet we say yes to every offer that comes our way.Perhaps we’re scared of what they will think of us. In that process of committing without thought, the urgent gradually takes over the important. Leaving no room for us to act on...