May 1, 2011 | Entrepreneurship, Internet
I hope this isnt true for Indian entrepreneurs! Internet Entrepreneurs Are Like Professional Athletes, They Peak Around 25Nov 14, 2010 | Entrepreneurship, Internet
So KK came up with this business plan (I feel bad for him, because he consults me on these multiple plans he has and I end up dismissing most of them! He must feel I am so full of myself!) Lets buy bags from cheap production centers such as China and sell them in...Nov 4, 2010 | Entrepreneurship
PK comments: “I think you are so risk-loving not because you face it, rather you dont see the risk in the first place” I would agree. I dont see the risk infront of the other options. Infact I cant. There is no Plan B. I can speak of one, but I cant think...Dec 14, 2009 | Entrepreneurship, Opinions, Videos
Pretty Interesting…! But then…will only work once…you cant create businesses out of it…! I have realized, that customers are (much) smarter than you think they are…(or you would want them to be!)! And that creates an impact…a big...Nov 24, 2009 | Entrepreneurship, general
Jonathan Littman and Marc Hershon, authors of I Hate People have come up with one of those unorthodox Interview Tests that could give you insights (non-technical though) into the personality of the individual. “Observe how the candidate crosses the street”...Sep 16, 2009 | Entrepreneurship, Opinions
I COULDN’T AGREE MORE! Last month I was invited for a guest lecture at MDI, Gurgaon. The audience was someone I had never dealt with…infact an audience that at some level scares me till date. I was to face a bunch of 40-odd NGO heads! Individuals running...