Aug 8, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
The most fascinating thing science taught me was hypothesis-led thinking It's the proposed explanation for a phenomenon. Comes from the Greek word hupothesis, meaning "to suppose" One takes this hypothesis and sets out to prove it or disprove it. If...Aug 4, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
Scrolling through your feed You come across a post by a friend. It's long. But it has several likes. And a tempting start. You begin to read it. You realize it's bullshit. Or something you don't care about. Or don't agree to. Or don't indulge...Aug 1, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
2 separate incidents caught my attention last weekA "motivational" post on LinkedIn Usain Bolt has run 115 seconds in all his Olympic races combined and made $119MnThat's $1Mn per second#motivation #successThis is bullshit at its best. If I could I...Jul 20, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
Saying no to someone is supremely hard. We are hard wired to belong – to a tribe, a community, a group. And in the past saying no meant isolation. Perhaps even death. And while saying no nowadays mostly doesn't come with a death certificate, the habit has...Jul 18, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
Here are the 3 states for a potential customer Yes, I want your product/service Maybe No, I don’t want your product/service Unfortunately, most sales people will rank these 3 states (in terms or desired outcome for them) as Yes Maybe No When in my...Jul 14, 2017 | Entrepreneurship
Step 1 Advice is what you seek when you know the answer but you wish you didn’t. All of you have choices when taking decisions. And one of those choices is our preferred one. We know of it. If we were to toss a coin, we would find ourselves wishing for that...