Jun 19, 2018 | Entrepreneurship
When we meet people we are constantly looking at them not for who they are, rather the person we think they should be. Constantly judging people for not adhering to the idea in our head of who they should be, how they should act, speak, behave, react. Constantly...Jun 14, 2018 | Entrepreneurship
I won against my tennis coach yesterday. 22-20 21-18 (We play games of 21 points) In the 43 points that I won, only 7 were winners. Points that I won on my caliber. On the basis on my shots, the power of them, the placement of them. The rest were won because of...Jun 12, 2018 | Entrepreneurship
This notion that we can be anything we want. We can be whatever we wish to be. It’s not true. We suck at a lot of things. And we are all probably good at at a few things. And really really good at possibly none until now. And only if we hold on to those things...Jun 12, 2018 | Anecdotes, Entrepreneurship, Photography, Travel
I was at the Ranthambore National Park this weekend. My experience with tigers is abysmal, to say the least. I have such poor luck that even in a zoo, the tiger would be sleeping inside when I reached its cage! Have been to Corbett several times, to return back empty....May 22, 2018 | Entrepreneurship
Am reading the fascinating biography of Einstein – written by the impeccable Walter Isaacson. It’s a rather long read. And as I neared the years of Einstein when he left Germany for the US – my eyes quickly glanced to the chapter length. The bottom...