Winning in life is about this

A successful singer was once interviewed on a talk show. He was bullied his entire childhood for being fat. Fast forward to today, he didn’t feel resentful towards those kids. When asked why, he replied: “Had I still hated them still, they would have defeated me.”...

History exists for a reason

We get a new job and start as if we are the first one to have this job. We enter a new relationship and start as the person has had no relationships before. We handle a new client and start proposing solutions immediately. Whenever we start something new, we start As...

Who should you listen to?

All our lives, we are surrounded by voices. What we should be doing. What we should be thinking. How we should be doing things. Instead of clearing up the smoke, these voices end up creating more. Mystic and philosopher Rumi, once said: “There is a voice that doesn’t...

Are you a product? Or a service?

What’s the difference between a product company and a service company? A service company reacts. Reacts to the requirements of the client, to the situation, to the context. A product company preempts. Preempts the requirements, the situation, the context.   A...

The best way to live life

How do we live a life of integrity? A life of honesty? A life where we do not have to second-guess our thoughts and actions? Roman Stoic Philosopher Seneca said:  “We should live our lives as if everyone could see us.” What would we do differently if everyone could...

Giving up anger

When we get angry, we end up doing things we don’t want to be doing. Our actions become impulsive, words get uncontrolled, and thoughts become really fast. None of this allows us to calm down and be thoughtful. And we often ask ourselves: Why does anger hurt me more...