Years of doing it the wrong way

I am getting coached in tennis nowadays. Decided it was high time I fulfilled this childhood desire of mine. Having played table tennis for several years and tennis too for some (while in school), it didn’t take long for me to find a rhythm of rallying. However,...

Motivation vs inspiration

People aren’t motivated to do what “they should do”. They are motivated by what “they could do”. The mountain they can climb. The peak they can conquer. The notion they can dispel about themselves. The payback attached to it. The...

I don’t wish I could have

People often regret things they couldn’t have done. An alternate suggestion is to consider things you don’t regret doing more of. And suddenly what’s not necessary emerges, hopefully leaving time and space to do what’s necessary I don’t...

The truth about entrepreneurship

At any given point, there will be a lot of people who will seem to know where you should head to. And there will perhaps be only you, who might know how to get there. Don’t let them believe they are more important or know more than you do. Commentary, as much as...


The most amusing thing in the world is to get LinkedIn invites from people who call themselves “internet visionary”. I am not judging their capability to be one. Rather their need to claim to be one. Here is the difference between visionaries and people...