Help those who make an effort

The dynamics around seeking forgiveness and granting it, is fascinating. An apology is as it is rare to come by. And we don’t seem to be quite prepared to handle it, when it happens. Quite often, we are seeking an apology but as soon as we hear “I am...

Why did you come late?

Missed a flight this Friday. It was a connecting flight and my incoming was delayed. I reached the flight counter 30 mins prior to departure. It was evident that I wouldn’t be allowed, but I had to ask. “The flight is closed, sir” “I understand...


Courage is not when you face what’s in front of you, while being fully armed. Courage is not when you face what’s in front of you, when you know you have everything needed to win. Courage is not when you face what’s in front of you, when you are...

I have nothing to share

Whenever I find myself saying “I have nothing to share” – it’s a lie. I do have a lot to share. Just that I feel it’s not important enough for the other side. Or that the way I will share it will not be appreciated by the other side. So...

Horn ok please

I recall a conversation with my first cousin, several years back. He said – “there are only two things that I really need in a car.” “What are they?”, I asked. “First – the brake” And as I was expecting him to say that...

How far is success?

If I asked you which is greater? 5km or 30mins? Your response is likely to call me stupid and move on. Time and distance are not comparable. Yet, we do that everyday. How far is your office? 20kms 35 mins How far are we? 7kms 65mins And then google maps came along and...